Herron VTPH 2--what cables are you using?

I am curious about what cables are being used between your Herron VTPH 2 phono stage and your preamp/integrated amp. I am using Herron interconnects, but the rest of my cables are Transparent Reference MM2 level. I have stuck with Herron cables for the Herron phono stage because I have been advised that it is generally ideal to use cables made by the manufacturer of the component in question, if they make cables. However, I know that there is disagreement on this issue. I would like to know which cables have been used with the VTPH2, and with what results? Comparisons with Herron interconnects would be particularly illuminating. Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences.
Thanks Chuck. I'll check out their website. From most of these responses, it seems I should hopefully hear even better performance with a cable change.
I replaced the stock tubes with NOS Telefunken's which had a major impact on the sound of the Herron.

Thanks again. What difference did you hear, and did you do this simultaneously with cable change or separately 
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Separately as I already had the cables when I purchased the Heron. Less congestion in the mid range and more inner detail especially with regard to violins. When the performer pulls the bow across the strings you can really here the impact of the bow on the strings.
