Most underrated Audio Manufacturers

Some know you can spend $$$$$$$ for some components and at the end of the day they are sonically not really better than those for 1/10 of the price to others. Well, some sleep well owning those because they have the "test review" under their pillow, some loose the marketing battle but try to push the sonic curtain. What components are among that group in your opinion?
My choice
Preamp: Lamm LL2
Amp: Atma-Sphere
Cables: Signal Cable Silver Resolution
Turntable: Townshend Rock
Phonostage: Manley Chinook
Arm: Rega 300 with Incognito rewire
Speaker: Reference 3A
Among SS amplifier builders, I would say Coda is pretty underrated. They've gotten some reviews over the years, but not nearly as many as some other, much more high-profile manufacturers. They seem to do their own thing (including OEM work) and if reviews come their way, that's cool--and if not, that's fine too.

I've heard or owned a decent number of Coda amps over the years, and they keep getting better. They're not the fanciest or most strikingly impressive, but they make music in a whole-cloth, highly transparent, and effortlessly dynamic sort of way that I find compelling. In short, they just sound RIGHT to me. They've been in the game for quite a while now and clearly know what they're doing. Anyway, just one man's opinion.
I really like croft's little integrated amp and they have a good phono stage. Understated but outstanding sound for the price. 
Nad's integrated amps, the BEE series, are underrated for sure.  The bang for buck factor is off the charts and you save a fair amount because they aren't shiny bling with thick aluminum face plates.  Beauty is only skin deep, after all.