Neutral electronics are a farce...

Unless you're a rich recording engineer who record and listen to your own stuff on high end equipment, I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral.  I get the feeling, if I were this guy, I'd be disappointed in the result. May be I'm wrong.
(I happen to think Geoff was in the middle of making a very good and valid point about magnetic fields here originally before he was so shrewdly interrupted ;-)
He got interrupted because he didn't understand how magnetic fields worked. This was around the issue of balanced line connections, which can be used to eliminate problems of cable construction and colorations as well as the effects of magnetic fields impinging the cable. BTW, this is not to say that EMI/RFI isn't a problem; Geoff was right about that); what I am saying is the if you run balanced lines and the equipment supports the balanced line standard then the cables will have almost no effect on the sound and it will get around the problem of EMI impinging the cable.
That’s so funny. We are not yet on the same page. No problem, I’m very patient. You on one hand are talking about RFI and EMI while I’m talking about magnetic fields. Think back, way back, to high school and the right hand rule. The right hand rule for determining the direction of the induced magnetic field produced by current traveling through a conductor. As I said previously RFI/EMI is light speed due to the photons involved whilst the other - magnetic field - is stationary. Apples and watermelons, my friend.

Atmosphere, if you don't use high permeability materials around the transformers on your amps then you REALLY don't know what I'm talking about.
Geoff, its really obvious that you did not read any of the links to basic information about the nature of EMI and RFI. Don't worry about me, you still have to get 'yet on the same page' with some of those basic rules to which those links referred.

FWIW photons are a phenom normally associated with light, not RFI or EMI...

Our gear does not have problems with stray magnetic fields on account of the fact that its fully differential and thus a great deal of shielding is not required. Differential circuits, if laid out correctly, can reject noise from magnetic fields (EMI) just as they can Common Mode noise and for the same reason. 
Hi, Atmosphere, sorry to abuse you of some of your beliefs but photons are the "carriers of the electromagnetic waves, which is what Radio Frequencies are. That’s why, as I already said at least three times, that radio waves travel at light speed, because it’s comprised of photons. Can you think of anything other than photons that travels at light speed? Actually, now that you bring it up, he music signal in cables and wires is also an electromagnetic wave and is also composed of, uh, photons. What about x-rays? Yup, photons. The ELF transmission at 75 Hz?  Photons.