CJ Classic 2 line stage pre-amp?

Hoping to hear from owners of this entry level pre-amp from Conrad Johnson. What amp & speakers are you using it with? What did it replace? How do you find it w/respect to imaging, air, stage width & depth, resolution and tonal balance? (You know, the usual half dozen or so things to obsess about). Also, I have come across reference to a CJ house sound but not sure what that means. Thanks in advance for your comments on any and all of the above.
Wow, I just got your reply to this thread from one and half years ago. I loved the CJ sound that I got an MET-1 and had it upgraded to SE level by CJ.  After a while the warmth from the CJ got to be too much.  I have since moved on and have an Aesthetix Callisto Eclipse for a Pre and couldn't be happier.  Although it is in the shop right now.  I have sold the all my CJ equipment to afford the Aesthetix.  I would recommend the Aesthetix Janus or if that is too expensive the calypso.  Of course, the higher level equipment with the upgraded parts makes a big difference with Aesthetix.  If you want non-tube stuff, I have also had the Ayre K-5xeMP.  Wonderful sound for SS.  I would definitely pick on up for the right price on AudiogoN.   All the best.
I have had a Classic 2SE for a few years and I love it.....I'm using it with a Gold Lion 6922 and it sounds great.   When I bought it couldn't decide whether to upgrade the preamp or my speakers.  I was using a McCormack RLD 1 pre and thought it was good but wasn't crazy about the pushbutton volume...it is a very nice pre no doubt but the c-j blew it away.

I'm using Quicksilver Mid Mono amps and driving a pair of Revel M106 along with a REL sub......

The Classic is the greatest return on investment and most noticeable improvement over just about any component I've ever owned....Is it a ET5? , no but it is natural and non fatiguing and you will be up all night listening to it....

I was using it for a little while with a McCormack DNA 125 which was a great combo.    I have a small room 40 watts is plenty for me but that combo of tube pre and great sounding solid state amp is a safe hassle free way into tube components.   

Thanks! for sharing- oddiofyl

I have never demo'ed the Classic 2/2SE, I have auditioned the ET-3 SE and it is wonderful. On an even higher level, I listened to a MET-1 and ACT2 Series2 in the same system.  Yes, CJ knows how to make a pr-amp. I wished that the Premier 350 power amp would resume production...

jafant:  I had a problem with the tubes.  Now it is in the shop with a remote and left channel problem.  It is tough when such an expensive piece of equipment has spent more time in the shop than at my house.  But that is the audio game!  I purchased an Audio Research LS-16 modded by Steve Huntley at the Great Northern Sound Co and love the sound.  Just won't go as loud for some reason, but the blacks are like a total eclipse (no pun intended)!  I just got an ARC PH-6 to dabble in phono with a Rega TT, should be arriving in a week.