Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?

Traffic is very low today vs 2000!

Are most audiophiles "set" with their systems, and no longer care?

Are 90% of audiophiles close to retirement, or retired and broke?

Most older "classic" audio equipment also does not show up for sale anymore IMO.
Are you talking all forums or just Audiogon?

I agree with jafant, many more choices out there these days for a dwindling audience.
Audiogon forums are heavily moderated, many choose to go to other forums, where more freedom is allowed.
Now that the Absolute Sound Mag. is waxing so enthusiastically about Meridian's MQA technology, we are going to have to adjust our thinking all over again about getting even more realism out of our systems.  I already have invested in CD's, Tapes, Vinyl, and an IPAD and MAC-Mini 
formats, and yes, i am weary of even more technology that is superseding what i have already spent an obscene amount of money on.
And, with amplifiers costing over $150K and the latest speaker tech (Magico, Wilson, Focal, etc.) that HAS to be the next thing on my shopping list, i enjoy the pretty pictures for a few minutes, and then
put on the radio so i don't even have to get up anymore. 
    OTOH, when and if a store can sell off all my present gear and set up all this new stuff customized for my room, all guaranteed to thrill me beyond my wildest expectations, i will make out ONE check to make it happen. 
french fries and jmcgrogen2:   Go to the Absolute Sound website forum.

There are many topics with almost no posts!

And the forum has been up for years!

Look for recent post activity on the Stereophile website forum. The same!