Nordost Red Dawn "Flatline" interconnect Want to replace with a more musical sounding IC.

I have a Nordost Red Dawn "Flatline"  IC which I bought used on AG about 5 years ago.  It has seen several system come and go, from separates to my current Rogue's Sphinx hybrid integrated amp, but just two speaker systems. Overall, I like the cable but have concluded that it is bright factor in the interface between the Rogue integrated, and the upgraded Ayre CX7e mp  CD player.  BTW,. Prior to the Ayre CD player, I had a Rega Apollo CD player and used a Chord Chameleon IC ..... Worked very well 

I don't want to start going back and forth with The Cable Company home trial service.  Therefore, would appreciate and consider recommendations from members who have used Nordost RD Flatline IC in the past with less than positive results. The speakers are Golden Ear Tech Triton 7's and speaker cable is Harmonic technology PRO 11+ which is excellent.  Thank you.  


So is the Belden with Furutech connectors a better sounding IC than the Canare  LV 61S  interconnects.??  I  called Blue Jean Cables and ordered the Canare interconnect, but the guy who answered the phone must have been either from the accounting department or mail room because he knew nothing about either cable. Plus, he said, (and I kid you not) that there was no difference, and really depended on what you expect it to sound like, and that any differences  in all cables were subjective) 

Well best my soul, that was real informative!!. I got the Canare LV61S and have put 20 hours on them. They are just OK, though the bass is very taut and deep.  However, they can sound bright, and  the sound seems often seems canned ( this cable is NO  UPGRADE for my Red Dawn Flatline IC.

The Canare  IC is also not very balanced or coherent.  Therefore, is the Belden better or only marginally better, or sound the same??. I don't want to throw away $70.00 .I can use the dough to take the wife out to dinner to either Olive Garden or Bertucci's  Italian Bistro ( I know it's a cheap date)......  So those members who have used both, please enlighten me 

DH Labs Revelation. Very Musical and unbelievably neutral for a pure-silver Interconnect. The head honcho at Upscale Audio told me that DH Labs is Nordost without the price tag. That is the best advice I have been given in a long time.....
Check out Silnote Audio - can find excellent value on their Agon offers. I am not affliated other than as a customer - top notch sound
Hi sunnyjim, Here is a very good alternative to what has been said here, APOLLO SERIES: It’s 2016, and TARA Labs is very excited at presenting an introduction to our newest line of entry level high-end audio cables. In mythology, Apollo was one of the twelve mythological deity gods that were worshipped by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Apollo was the god of music, poetry, healing and light amongst other virtues he was endowed with. TARA Labs has taken that inspiration from this mythology as well as what Apollo represented, and named our new line of audio cables for those very qualities that made him a god to the ancients.
Apollo Series cables will represent a new era in entry level products for TARA Labs.
We developed this brand new concept for the Apollo, keeping in mind the relationship they will have with their counterpart components. In electronics, we sometimes refer to trickle-down technology. At TARA Labs, we make full use of this term by incorporating numerous technological advances and designs from our higher-end reference cables into the Apollo Series audio cables. Compared to the TL series, Apollo cables have a more coherent construction and design which translate to a substantial enhancement of soundstage, high frequency extension, spatial cues, improved noise floor, as well as enhanced musicality.
The Apollo speaker cables construction now includes our proprietary BSM termination (Banana/Spade modules). So instead of soldered on spades or bananas, you can now switch the termination at will with little effort on your part. This bodes well with the numerous components that require either or both terminations. The Apollo interconnects are also available with either RCA or XLR termination. In addition, the Apollo Series cables will offer an audiophile a musical experience that is easily comparable to cables costing many times more their price! We would venture to say “Get a $1000.00 upgrade to your audio system for around $200.00”
The Apollo Series cables will be replacing our current line of entry level cables, The TL Series.