Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.

Thanks for the correction Roger, I had read your white paper and I guess I misconstrued because of terms that you use like

 "adding a reference clock"  and "error handler"

"Amazingly, the solution for correcting the problem is just as tiny but with a level of sophistication never attempted. I have had to develop new circuits with new functions and subroutines helping the main amplifier. I use a new technique that enables me to take advantage of "current fragmentation". It uses Quantum Physics to produce a tiny "piece" or "offshoot" of current from a larger sample. This tiny reference thread is extremely delicate and hyper sensitive to its environment. Its impedance is well above 90 Gig Ohms and it has very unique property. The tensile strength can be used as a high output, low noise velocity monitor to sense relative motion including the easy detection of Micro-Doppler changes along the Time Domain Axis"

Either way, I've never been accused of being a rocket scientist,  sounds like a terrific amplifier. With people raving about your products like this,  I'll try to seek out your stuff and give a good listen and I suspect many others will as well.  Congrats,


Thank you Tim,

I know most audiophiles would not make the connection between an amp with low distortion (.005%) and one with no distortion. On the surface you would think it would just sound a little better. Like taking out a little residual distortion that nobody would consider "noticeable".

That is not the case because there are types of distortion that don't show up on the THD analyzers. When those are removed the difference is day and night.

If you take as an example a live person on a stage and next to him you have a high quality first surface mirror setup so that you see the real person and a reflection of that person at the same time. As long as the mirror was completely stable - you may have a hard time distinguishing the real from the reflection. However if you simply press on the center of the mirror so as to produce a tiny bend or warp, it would be instantly apparent which is which.  The instability of the mirror structure would cause objects that are far away to be even more unstable as the distance from the mirror would "amplify" the problem. The point is that it does not take much for your brain to recognize fake. This is why background objects in a performance are harder to resolve in a system with even tiny amounts of non-linearity. The farther away from the microphone - the smaller the signal size and the apparent location has drifted more then objects in the foreground or close to the mirror. . 

Remember the carnival mirrors that made your head small and your legs long? - that is a non-linear mirror. It can be seen that the "small head" end of the mirror actually has (optically) compressed the image and the "long legs" end of the mirror has (optically) stretched the image.

The correlation fits the description of the Doppler effect. That is to say that a train headed toward you has the whistle pitch as higher (compressing the sound waves)  and as it passes you (moving away) the whistle pitch drops (stretching the sound waves.)

Over the years I have claimed that Doppler is the destructive force in amplifiers. It is possible that an amplifier can alter the pitch of a signal with no moving parts.Removing Doppler from an amplifier forces its "reflection" to be true and now you are back to having a hard time telling if what you see (hear) is the real image or a reflection. The brain accepts either image as real. Whatever comes in the power amp will exit as a scaled clone with perfect pitch. 



Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

Yes I have.

Why do you talk about subroutines when all analog?   

Makes no sense.   


Why do you talk about subroutines when all analog?
I have been a computer programmer for years and what I have found is that if you see the functionality of a circuit as a task unto itself - I consider it a subroutine that can be accessed to generate the response needed by the calling circuit which is the core signal handler. It is important to keep in mind this is pure analog that can act so quickly it is "near" digital". This concept stems from the smallest trigger event being able to shift the velocity by parts per billion (nano-degrees).This matches the detection levels reported by the velocity detectors which use quantum physics to generate extremely high gains.

The support template surrounding the core circuit has many power supplies. Each subroutine has its own supply to maintain purity.
