Thanks, Audiogon, for the friendships you made

To reflect on the years that I have indulged in this nice hobby, not only have I enjoyed the gift of music but also met many nice people in audio. In the past few years, I have met many people through dealing on Audiogon and other audio sites, and in the process developed friendship with people all over the world. In times of turnmoil like these, it is comforting to know that there is hope for us all!
Thanks, Audiogon. Maybe you should charge for the friendship matching service ;-). Just kidding!!! Don't want this to become a personal ads site now ;-)
I have learned so much from the AG community. Educated everyday, enjoy everyday. I check AG like most people check their phone. Love the virtual systems. Dream big or just keep dreaming! If you want it will happen someday, don't settle. Free to look and to ask advice.