Hi Fi Zetta

Is anyone familiar with and/or done business with HiFi Zetta.  "Premium used audio equipment" online company, owned by Marco Zetta and based in Italy?  Legit?  


I ordered an Esoteric k01 from an Italian site called Sell HiFi with the exact same web format --- down to the same catalogue, pricing, the lot.

It is a total scam.

Best wishes and total avoidance.... David Zimmerman
Too coincidental not to be one in the same.  I called them on it after noticing the pics used were ripped from an Audiogon ad dated March 6, 2012.  Asked for verification and original pics - never heard back.  Anyone checking this site out, keep away!  
Avoid like the plague. There are comments on dutch and italian sites that confirm that the superficially professional web side is cloned and that their VAT no. is registered in Italy as a Construction company. 

Post removed 
Thanks to this discussion, I could stop myself from losing money.  After I requested Hifi-Zetta to accept Paypal, they suggested that I use an escrow service for my protection.  However, this company's UK street address has been used other escrow company claimed as a scam.  For your information, I will paste the reply I received from Hifi-Zetta.

"Sorry but no longer accept payments through PayPal because of fraud (we received numerous payments from stolen accounts and had only suffered from it), currently only accept payment via bank transfer.

If you want protection , we can use www.lux-express.com, this company has a escrow service. They will take care about shipping and payment.

To start the transaction we need your shipping details:
Name : 
Address : 
Zip code: 
Phone number : 
Email address:
Once I have these info, we will make the delivery to your address.
These are the steps that we will have to follow in order to complete the transaction trough LUX EXPRESS:

1. I will start a new transportation order with the company, also insure the transaction, and this insurance will cover not only the product but it offers buyer's protection as well. Once the transaction is started, you will be contacted by the company and supplied with all information regarding the transaction, payment details and delivery dates.
2. For delivery to be made the company requires the deposit of EUR 1.800,00 made by the buyer, the deposit is fully refundable and will be made out to the company. The payment method is bank transfer.
3. After this the item will be delivered to your location and you will be given a tracking number which will allow you to keep track online of the item, for the entire delivery time.
4. Once you receive the unit, you will have a 2 day trial period in which the item will remain in your possession and you can test it.
5. Once the trial period is over you will have to decide if you want to keep the item, and sign the paperwork; after that the company will transfer the entire amount to my account. In case you do not want to keep the item, then your initial deposit will be fully refunded and the item will be delivered back to me at my own expenses. 

Thank you for using our services!"