Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?

Traffic is very low today vs 2000!

Are most audiophiles "set" with their systems, and no longer care?

Are 90% of audiophiles close to retirement, or retired and broke?

Most older "classic" audio equipment also does not show up for sale anymore IMO.
Tidal/Pandora/spotify mobile device Bluetooth toys era what to go forums for?
I guess this plus many forums with a higher level of specificity, kill general forums.

Honestly, I came to these to learn and the information is so saturated right now anything I need to know at this point has been discussed ad nauseum.

I listen to mostly vinyl and there are really no ground breaking developments in analog to generate sustained dialogue on the net. I check in every now and again but what is there?

As someone who is 35 and sees a lot of young people thru my gym I can tell you there are many reasons why younger people are unlikely to get into Hi-Fi.

1. Everything cost a ton of money and wages at work have not kept up. Good lord budget model cars cost 17k now. Even middle class people are under finical strain.

2. The people I know that have enough money for this stuff have zero time to sit and listen to music for hours. Its really hard to justify 5k or 10k or 20k on something you won’t use that much. Especially when you barely have time with your family and friends

3. Our society has changed. The pace of life is nothing short of chaotic. At work we are expected to do 5 things at once. To make up for a smaller workforce we use technology to multitask. In addition with less time we try to do the same thing with our personal lives with social media. All done through a phone that is with us 24/7. So unhealthy. I hate it.

4. The options for entertainment are endless. So how is something that cost a good bit of money and that you have to bend over backwards to hear at a store going to win out? If its work to buy something its not going to be popular.

I can see why headphones are so popular. They can be quick on the go to meet lifestyle demands. Plus you can spend so much less and get so much more. Yes they are not speakers but its a personnel experience that can be integrated into the lifestyle people have now. I just got a 250 pair of headphones from music direct. They can be driven by a iphone or labtop. To be honest they sound really good. For most people the price to get this lifestyle headphones SQ in their living rooming with a speaker systems would stop 98% of people in their tracks.

Yeah, younger generation are becoming kind of The Borg, collective being from Star Trek: The Next Generation. They wish to consume and assimilate everything in their path to "increase the quality of life".
Individuality is being eroded to the point of non-existing.
We, the people of the old ways, will resist as much as we can for as long as we can. We may lose but it is going to be a good fight.
Death to the digital. And to the cell phones along with computers. God help us all.

Y'all are 'going negative'...stop it.  Things change...not always for what one may consider better, but if you look hard enough there are still things occurring that stand as 'bright spots in the gloom'.  LP's are 'trending'...there's niches out there that give me some hope that some aspects of 'our hobby' will continue.  Perhaps not as we would like...perhaps in a means we can't predict or appreciate, but as long as the music plays, there will be those who care enough to take the time and make the effort.

Y'all are starting to sound like people I'd rather not hang out with.

Go play something LOUD.  Restore some faith within.  Don't go quietly.