Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?

I am looking for the best possible Standard Def DVD player
that is BLACK. I have a Krell DVD Showcase now and it's
great but I am wondering if there is better to be had for
under $8,000 used.

I would like to hear opinions/comparisons of the video
quality for:

Krell DVD Standard
Linn Unidisk 1.1
Meridian G98
Denon 5910CI


Ok.. Nice work all you $300 BluRay payer lovers..
If only you had highend systems to appreciate the
gear I am wanting to discuss.

BluRay is slow to load disks, Disks are expensive and
I have a 500+ standard Def DVD library. I personally
think in most cases my KRELL standard def player will
look better than $300 bluray. Everytime I see one
at the store I think to myself that my Krell looks
better.. So I am sticking with Standard DVD, Redbox
rentals, and movies that cost 1/3 to own. And yes if
you guys who don't get it had decent equipment you would
see just how spectacular DVDs look of Meridians, Krells,
and Linns.

I owned the OPPO so I know the Krell far outperforms it.
I swear the OPPO company has paid shills out on every
board telling people how good OPPO is. I have a Denon
2930CI in the bedroom that smokes the 983H on component
video. Audio too..

Is so sad whenever someone wants to discuss 3 or 4 highend
pieces of gear, all the hackers come out and bash you
saying their Circuit City gear is better.. The enthusiasts
on here who have actually used the highend gear I am
referring to know what I am talking about... The performance level of a Krell or Meridian or Linn is truly

I wish there was a way to ban trolls from threads when they
have nothing useful to contribute..
I often wonder about the Oppo deal too, I mean come on they are the biggest thing since sliced bread???
Sure I have seen one and its good and many love them but it at times is a grows a bit old when every single thread has some drive by Oppo suggestion with nothing more to add.
I have even said check them out myself so I am not knocking the reference but its time to really REALLY show us just why its better, and not based off some net test or review thats out of date, I want to see detailed up to date info to be a bit more at ease. JMHO
BluRay Disks are expensive ($30.00 each), but you want to spend $8k on a standard DVD player? Am I missing something? This is a joke right?
Tom take a chill pill guy..get a sense of humor. Most of us thought couldn't actually be

Relax..and buy that $8000 standard DVD player if it makes you feel better. Now if you think standard 480P DVD (4.3Gbs of info at the most) from any of these so called High end players looks better than a Blu ray(30 to 50 GBs of info). Then you are one special guy...Enjoy!

Good luck with the hunt.
"I personally think in most cases my KRELL standard def player will look better than $300 bluray. Everytime I see one at the store I think to myself that my Krell looks

Tom, I was jesting a bit about the $300 Blue Ray. Nonetheless, I've sold that Krell DVD standard, Meridian Reference, and others. Let me assure you that while absolute color balance, minute amounts of video noise, quality of scaling for standard DVD (ya know, your video collection) etc, might be better on the mega buck DVD players for your needs, your fooling yourself thinking your best DVD setup will best the overall quality of ANY Blue Ray HD offering! Sorry, but it's like old die-hard fans of Laser Disc thinking their old analog disc blew away standard DVD's! It's just not happening, sorry.
But, you keep believing my friend. After all, someone has to buy up those old extremely high priced players floatin around out there. Might as well be you brother.
Oh, and many of us have had some otherwise rediculously expensive gear over the years. I once owned the $27k Faroudja Scaler. Oh and yeah, that piece sacaling any non hi-def source to 1080p isn't anywhere as good as a high def source, on a budget player either, regardless of display system used! So please don't have any of us budget seekers over to try and convince us that your 480 source disc scaled up for the big screen is going to be a revelation, because it isn't. Hate to break it to you.
Good luck to you on your project though.