looking at mcintosh pre-amp c2500. Can I do better for the cost of a Mac?

I'm being told I can get a better pre amp for the money I would spend on a Mac. 

Different? Yes.

Better? It’s all relative and and very subjective. System matching or preamp to amp synergy is more important.

If the C2500 makes you happy, go for it. I have and love a C52, as well as two others. The C52 is the one that makes me happy.
I'm new to high end audio and I have a lot to learn. I fell in love with the sound tube amps or pre-amps produce. I know my pre amp is what I want to build off of. Unfortunately money is an issue so I was hoping to get the best sound for what I can afford. Reading all the blogs and specs on amps and pre amps my brain is on over load. I have only heard mcintosh, Rotel coupled with B&W speakers to reference too. 

With that hat said thank you for ur input @ joeinid. 

You are right about the preamp being the heart of a system. You might state your budget for the system, what sources you anticipate using, your music preferences, need for loudness and room size. With that info we can better advise. It should be an enjoyable journey.
Yes, please tell us more about the gear you have and are thinking about getting. Also, what speakers do you have?

Please do not stress, this is a hobby, a fun diversion, not war and peace. Music should bring joy to your life. The gear is just a means to an end. Most all the gear today is great, just pick the flavor that appeals to you.