Do I really need Desoldering for replacing resistors/caps?

To replace such as resistors or caps.  Do I really need to get desoldering gun?   I was thinking to replace some of resistors and caps on ARC LS7.  The cheapest I seen was Hakko desoldering FR300-05 for $265, not sure if it worth it to buy it and will only use it once for this LS7.
Thank you,
I do it different. Avoid de-soldering if possible. I sacrifice the bad component. Cut it apart with diagonals until interior leads are accessible. Grab one lead with forceps. Apply just enough heat to extract the lead. Do the other leads the same way - individually. Don't rock it out. Put a probe at the solder filled hole. Apply heat until the probe slides in (sorry). Allow the solder to set before removing probe. Insert new leads. Apply heat and add a little fresh solder until it all flows; and, Bob’s your uncle.
Older solder oxidizes and stops wetting leads/pads.  In order to obtain good solder joint you need flux.  Flux serves two purposes - it cleans surface and prevents oxidation. Flux can be delivered with new solder containing flux or flux syringe.  If you don't have flux syringe you have to add substantial amount of new solder ending up in excessive amount of solder.  That's why you have to remove existing solder first  (In process of replacing SMT parts old solder is often left on the pads but then new flux from syringe is added before soldering).  Yes, you can make it easier by cutting leads of old components, but you have to remove old solder.