Bryston vs Modwright?

I'm looking to replace my old power amp with a new one, in the $4500-5000 range; I'm running an ARC ref 5 SE that I got from a friend, and will be driving Dali helicon 400 mk 2s. I have been thinking solid state to complement the ref 5 SE, and have been exploring the Bryston 4bSST2 vs the Modwright kwa 100 SE. Anyone have experience with either or both of these amps?

Great point.  Odyssey Audio also offers a 20 yr transferable warranty.  Give Klaus at Odyssey a call.  He is a great guy that has been in business for years.  You'll get honest answers to your questions even if you do not buy his products.
I love the comment about "18 year old crap".    I'm not suggesting that anyone buy an 18 year old amp.  The point is that Bryston holds its value over time, much better than other product lines.  Look at all the high-ticket, 3 year old items on Audiogon that are selling for 50% of retail.  Expected resale is something worth considering.  That's one of the great advantages in buying a classic Mac tube amp.  You know you can always get your money back out of it whereas that wonderful new technology you so love will drop half its value in just a few years.
I was offered a Bryston 3BSST demo and took it home. It sounded good, so I talked to some guy at the factory, quizzed him for an hour, and it turned out he was the president! I bought the demo and ordered a 4BSST as well, to biamp a magnepan system, then a hybrid ESL system. 

Eventually did upgrade, but was always satisfied with the musicality. And there is value behind that 20 year warranty: they are hard to kill. Once I was moving an aluminum chassis around while I was playing music, and it shorted the terminals on the 4B. Arc welding. Huge spark. 4B shut right down, and I thought, "Wonder how much the banks of output transistors cost? Idiocy is not under warranty."

But, before I send it off for repair, I let it cool for 30 minutes and powered it up - no damage. I tested it harder - no damage. If robust matters to you, Bryston is a good choice.