Suggest affordable cable options

My current setup is as follows: Bowers and Wilkins CM10 s2 (speakers), Parasound A21 (amp), Cambridge Audio Azur 851D DAC/Preamp connected to the amp via balanced connectors.

I am currently using cheap Audioquest ($50) cables and have been advised by many at Agon that upgrading to better speaker wires would yield considerable results. Now, when it comes to cables I'm admittedly not so educated, so I can surely use some advise here.

I want to stay below $750 - open to both new or used. Someone at Audiogon suggested Clear Day cables which can be had for around $500 for the top option. My only concern is that B&W are already known to be a bit forward/bright, so adding silver cables, which also have a reputation to be a bit on the bright side (feel free to correct me if this assumption is just plain wrong), might not be the most prudent approach.

Unfortunately, the more I research the more I get confused. Some say that it's a waste of money, and that a wire is a wire is a wire. Others advise to stick with name brands such as Audioquest, Tara Labs, etc. While others swear by boutique but affordable options such as Clear Day cables. Usually, the reason given by this camp is that the cables are more affordable because they manufacturers don't have marketing overhead. However, I'm sure the more established companies have higher profit margins that potentially lead to bigger and better R&D.

Regardless, one thing is for sure -- I'm not in the mood to spend more than 30% of what my system is worth.
Either Darwin or Amadi silver wires.  Both companies' wires are extremely clear, but without bite or etch.  You can get the Amadi top of the line Maddie Signature for $600 for the speakers and they are awesome.  Their top ICs sell for $220. They have deep, tight bass, clear lucid mids and well defined highs.   The Darwins look so-so but sound very nice also.  They start at the Silver II at about $350, then there is the Ascension, Ascension Plus, and at the top, the Truth.  Either companies' wires are a big step up from the good for the money companies like Morrow (I had many versions of), Signal Cable, Crimson, Speltz (I've had all 3).  If you get either companies' wires, your off the cable merry go round.  They sound as good or better than the expensive wires--read that the over $1000-$2000 wires.
(1) ~ 10% of your ex-cables system $$ cost is what you should be looking at shelling out.

(2) Consider buying quality-build used cables wherever possible for considerable cost-savings.

BUT....AND ITS A BIG "BUT" ....Avoid and ignore the ads originating from China on E-Bay,  AGON ,and elsewhere claiming to be cheap $$ options for bona-fide OEM brand cables.

The OEM cable companies invariably have big cautions and horror stories on their websites about built-like-s**t fakes made with inferior materials and crap assemblies. These fake cables are made-in-China / South Asia that are POS cheap scam fakes that are not the real OEM brand deal,and they perform as bad as they are made.

(3) The next crap-shoot is that system synergy matters BIGTIME. A blind speaker cable purchase strictly based on arbitrary price floors with no actual auditions, has a very large risk of a bad purchase outcome. 

(4) what about the system synergy (or now lack of it) with the ICs if new speaker cables are suddenly in the offing?...One size does not fit all there either

My thoughts:
You may not be able to avoid all risks, but you may be able to manage them.

Inquire what B&W dealers favour as THEIR FAVE cables brands (for ALL the cables...= speaker + IC + power) with YOUR speaker models

Also do your homework and check out  what they set up with at the audio expos... ...

= a much safer bet selection route IMO.
Consider Morrow Audio. 60 day returns allowed. They frequently have sales and you can buy used. Am running their SP-4 speaker cable and various of their ICs...MA3 & some MA4s. Have Clear Day speaker cable too which I very much like. The Morrow cable just seems to offer a little more clarity without getting "thin" sounding. Regarding silver, I did not find Clear Day/silver wire made things too bright. The Clear Day definitely brought greater heft to the musical presentation (and I don’t mean to say "heft" that was overweight or slow), not at all. I do have a CDP that is very detailed such that certain recordings can sound harsh. Am using Cardas Parsec ICs on that (between CDP and pre-amp). The Parsecs have definitely helped reduce harshness on too hot CDs.

FWIW - I was in the "wire is wire" camp for a long time until one evening when someone brought over some better cable and I heard a difference for myself. Good luck finding something affordable that gives you good sound.

Check out the Cable Company.  You can borrow from their library for a fee (10% of selling price which can deducted from the price if you decide to buy).  They might also have recommendations for you based on your gear.  There's no fool proof way that I know of to get it right "a priori".  To a certain extent you will just have to do some reading, get some advice (as you have here) and make some choices about what to try first.  Let your ears (and purse) be the final judge.   
So many different paths to choose, but it's your money, only you can make the final decision. Many folks tune the way their system sounds with cables. While others will say that if you find your system sounding a little bright, you are better off changing amp and/or speakers.

For me, it's easier to tune a systems sound to my tastes using cables, rather than changing speakers/amps, etc. Others will disagree I'm sure.
The final sound is a result of the whole system, including cables, so you make your own call.

All that said, if I were in you situation, I would probably look to buy a used pair of Acoustic Zen Satori. You should be able to find a used pair for well under $500. Full, warm, dimensional sound.

I do agree with Dorwad, that Amadi cables are an exceptional value. I also think that using pure silver doesn't have to sound bright. However, if your system already leans to the bright side, the Amadi cables will not tame the harshness either.

You can either try from the boutique dealers new, and use the trial period, and if it doesn't work return it, or buy name brand used, and if it doesn't work sell it.

One word of warning though, if buying boutique new, keep to the trial period and trust your ears. I find that many of these manufacturers will implore you to keep the cables longer as they are still "burning in".
Meanwhile, the trial period will expire while you are still trying to make them work. Common trick, don't fall for it. If they aren't working for you, send them back. Don't let them talk you into extended auditions.

All of this advice, and all that you have already received (wire is wire, stick to name brands, go for the boutique but affordable options) none of them are right, but none of them are wrong either. ;^)

Happy Hunting,
+1 on the Morrow cables. I have moved up the chain and am very happy, my last stop. They also are excepting trade-ins during the current promotion. I owned the clear double shot guns and they were very good cables but did not help with a pair of Monitor Audio GX300 speakers that have a tendency toward brightness.