Suggest affordable cable options

My current setup is as follows: Bowers and Wilkins CM10 s2 (speakers), Parasound A21 (amp), Cambridge Audio Azur 851D DAC/Preamp connected to the amp via balanced connectors.

I am currently using cheap Audioquest ($50) cables and have been advised by many at Agon that upgrading to better speaker wires would yield considerable results. Now, when it comes to cables I'm admittedly not so educated, so I can surely use some advise here.

I want to stay below $750 - open to both new or used. Someone at Audiogon suggested Clear Day cables which can be had for around $500 for the top option. My only concern is that B&W are already known to be a bit forward/bright, so adding silver cables, which also have a reputation to be a bit on the bright side (feel free to correct me if this assumption is just plain wrong), might not be the most prudent approach.

Unfortunately, the more I research the more I get confused. Some say that it's a waste of money, and that a wire is a wire is a wire. Others advise to stick with name brands such as Audioquest, Tara Labs, etc. While others swear by boutique but affordable options such as Clear Day cables. Usually, the reason given by this camp is that the cables are more affordable because they manufacturers don't have marketing overhead. However, I'm sure the more established companies have higher profit margins that potentially lead to bigger and better R&D.

Regardless, one thing is for sure -- I'm not in the mood to spend more than 30% of what my system is worth.
I see a 6 foot pair of AZ Satori on US Audiomart (yes, there is life outside of Audiogon) listed for $350. You could probably get them for $250-275 delivered.

Check out HiFi Shark, it will show you all of the used sites, current and past, so you have an idea of what prices are.

Also, there are some AZ internet dealers on Audiogon (sade, mlmusic). You could ask what they would charge for a new pair of Satori’s, I bet it would be under $500.

BTW, your 4 takes are pretty accurate. Only issue I see is that number 4 interferes with number 2.
If you choose to go The Cable Company route, you will NOT be paying used prices.
Choose Satori with termination you want.  Re-terminating might not be straight forward.  It has whole bunch (around 11) of individual solid insulated strands plus one insulated stranded wire, consisting of many very thin strands.  My Satori Shotgun (bought used for $650), had banana plugs.  I replaced them myself with Audioquest spades.  Cable is very thick, but it doesn't affect anything and looks cool.
another vote for ClearDay cables.  I replaced Acoustic Zen Satoris with ClearDay double shotguns and am VERY pleased with the change.

Cables are system dependent and the ones that sound the best may sometimes be the least expensive. I have two large bags of interconnects, some are expensive and some are much less costly. It was shocking to me that after careful experimentation sometimes the ones that provide the best synergy "are" the least expensive, not always the case though. It was recommended above that "Signal Cable" offers a high value for the cost, I agree and I'm currently employing one of their interconnects between the preamp and power amp with spectacular results.  If I were to change a component in the system I would more than likely have to start over trying different interconnects to get the sound I seek.

from the posts above i figured it's very cool to have $750 cables with $1,000 speakers and according to trivial math calculations and predictions, the speakers should work totally different and improve the sound to sound twice as good vs. with current wires.