Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Mapman wrote,

"I hope they shed some light on the Graphene question. Geoff seems to think its used in the casing for shielding which might be fine but the vendor blurbs mention nothing about that but do cite the several million times more conductive thing."

Oh, did I mention Graphene is one atom in thickness? I hate to judge things too quickly but I'll go out on a limb and predict you won't see any Graphene wires in fuses anytime soon.

wolf-garcia ...

As I've said before, I really enjoy your sense of humor. Once again you had me laughing at the prospect that you consider the SR Black fuses to be "Voodoo" without experiencing them yourself. So ... I call your "Voodoo" nothing but "DooDoo."  :-)

Talking about Ben Webster and Lester Young ... Last night I dug deep into the vinyl vault and came up with an old  mono recording on the "Jazztone" label that I've had in the collection since the 1950's. These were compilation recordings featuring a combo of jazz players. Well ... there they were, Lester Young and Chu Berry.

With the combination of the AT ART-9, the SR Level 3 power cords and the SR Black fuses now resting comfortably in the system, these mono recordings are quite exhilarating and emotionally connecting.

How anyone can deny the positive influence of the Graphene technology and the way SR applies it is beyond me. Look, at my (I hate to admit it) advanced age, and according to a test record I have, I cannot hear above 10,000 cycles. All else in the hearing being okay, even I can hear the improvements these products provide. I'm eternally grateful that 90% of what we get out of our systems comes to us in the form of the mid-range.  

And just to ramble on (advanced age, remember?) ... i'm not sure its important for anyone in our hobby to hear beyond 10,000 cycles anyway. I can still hear quite clearly a softly struck triangle in the back of an orchestra. Is there anything I'm missing? 

Dear wolf-garcia ... take the plunge young man.  Try one of the SR Black fuses. Thirty-day return policy, right? Nothing to lose, right? 

"Talking about Ben Webster and Lester Young ... Last night I dug deep into the vinyl vault and came up with an old mono recording on the "Jazztone" label that I’ve had in the collection since the 1950’s. These were compilation recordings featuring a combo of jazz players. Well ... there they were, Lester Young and Chu Berry."

True story. I bought the jazz record collection of the white dude who played with Lester Young’s band from the dude’s widow in DC back in the 90s. I'm not hot doggin' ya.
So I found this thread a while back, spent some spare time reading through it and since already having first hand experience with power cords and wall receptacle changes I had to give the SR black fuse a try. Ordered one for my power amplifier from highend-electronics on March 7th installed it and left the amp on for about 80 hours, I must say quite impressed with the improvements. Even though there are a number of areas of improvement I was most happy with the increased micro dynamics, for me its mostly the fine details that make music so enjoyable.
After that I had to get one for my phono stage, that being a Fosgate Signature that I have spent significant time finding a tube compliment that sounds good to me in my system. Out went those tubes in went tubes of no consequence, installed the black fuse, powered it up for over 80 hours then put my listening tubes back in and fired it back up, this was yesterday and I am just amazed at the overall improvement.
Count me in as a believer in the SR black fuse!
Next up is a black for my Classe CT-SSP, I am sure it will make a difference, a power cord and receptacle change made a significant improvement. I will post my thoughts after this happens.
Thanks to everyone here,for making me aware of this wonderful and cost effective opportunity to greatly improve the enjoyment of listening to music on my home system. I truly think that trying to achieve a similar improvement with equipment upgrades would be very expensive, out of my reach at any rate.
Thank you oregonpapa for starting this thread and for your continuing interaction, I really got a good laugh from your popcorn post!