Advice on cables for Classe Sigma, Classe CAM 5300, Halcro DM78 & B&W 800D"s

Currently running AQ Redwoods from the Halcro"s and using a various mismatch of Van Den Hul interconnects from The Hill, The Rock and D102"s. I also use a PS Audio Direct Steam DSD DAC for 2 channel. The system is obviously a very honest and brutally revealing one. My dealer pitching Analysis Plus Big Silver with Silver Oval-in and/or the Solo Oval range. I want to clean it up but unfortunately can’t borrow enough of the same wire to fully make a decision.
Anyone else got a similar set-up or can give advice please?

Cheers from Australia.
Thanks Halcro,
May I ask what you interconnects and wire you use in your system and what source(s) you use?

Currently using Van Den Hul - The Hill Balanced 3m interconnects direct from PS Audio DSD DAC and in RCA from. Classe Sigma for HT.