The Sad State of Movie Theater Sound Systems

In the last 2 weeks I have done something I haven't done in many years,go to a movie theater to see  new releases.First was the latest Star Wars & then at a completely different theater the new Dawn of Justice.In BOTH theaters the sound level was WAYYY to loud,distortion was running rampant in both cases.The highs were tipped up & brittle,mids had ABSOLUTELY no organics & bass was booming & 1 note to the MAX!!!If I hadn't paid well over $10.00 per ticket I would probably have walked out of both theaters!So for those of you who regularly go to movie theaters is this the norm or is Seattle just too tight to spend on the good stuff?
I view most movies in the home screening rooms of the likes of Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg et cetera (and then only when an abundance of Playboy Bunnies are present), so I really cannot relate to your experience.

However, I do thank you for the word up.

Recently considered going out into the real world, but now I think not.
It is a sad affair when you go out to a movie and get inferior sound. Maybe you should stay at home and watch a movie on a good surround system because it looks like at this point it may be preferable.

My wife and I have decided to never go to the Movie Theater again.

Between shi.... crappy sound and the rude kids with there freakin cell phones, her and I would rather watch and listen at home.

I’ve never been one that has to see a movie as soon as it’s released.

I wont be standing in line for the latest phone either.

Movies today ain’t worth attention and spending money in the movie theaters. They are mostly made for mentally depleted. Forget about sound.
Whatever happened to Smell-o-Rama? But seriously Ridley Scott's Promethues in IMAX and 3D was AWESOME. Some others I think deserve the big screen treatment include No Country for Old Men, Under the Skin, The Martian, Flight, Gravity and Birdman.