Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Very interested in continuing to read feedback on the INT.  Looks promising to use for a bedroom setup paired with my ModWright Oppo 105. 
Would be interested in hearing experiences users have had with the analogue in.

Is the signal altered enough to rule it out?
Is this a 'non-turntable' integrated?
Apologies have still to setup in my other system. As I said above the differences in inputs was significant in my system but I won't be using a turntable anyway…..hope you get some answers

My INT arrived and is burning in on the floor with a cdp on repeat.
I will compare it to my current setup: Metrum Hex, Tortuga LDR passive and Job 225. Interconnects are Hidiamond D9 and D4.  
I'm also demoing a John Hillig modified Hafler dh200 from Musical Concepts.
Stay tuned.....
Very good, another comparison with a Metrum Hex!
I've settled with the Job INT and sold my Sonneteer Alabaster and Metrum Octave. Especially when playing softly I think the INT is more pronounced as the Sonneteer. I like it.