Dynaudio Sappires vs Focal Sopra 2's

Has anyone compared Dynaudio Sapphires with Focal Sopra 2's?. I own the Sapphires and love them but......... was VERY IMPRESSED with the Focal Sopra 2's. Not sure if they really are this impressive or am I just going through the change bug again $$$$. Any comments from those of you that have heard both are appreciated!

IME, Dynaudio is okay at best. Most models are over-priced compared to other speakers.

 Having owned the Dyn C1 ,C4 and Utopias I disagree that dynaudio is "ok at best".IMO the confidence line is fantastic and can stand toe to toe in its price range especially when they were released, if they are just OK I have to hear what your listening to!.

Hi all,
I just got the focals sopra 2's and breaking them in (just on a cheap stereo (FM station) recv'r in a remote room. I've heard break-in can be anywhere from 50 - 700 hrs!). Will let you know how they are once I put them in the main system.
Congratulation on your purchase. Will be interested to hear your impression of them.

Congrats on your purchase! I’ve had my Sopra No2’s since mid-September and absolutely love them.  When I searched for a new pair of speakers, it came down to the Dynaudio C2 Platinums and the Focals.

I gently broke them in for at least 100 hours.

Just the other day I felt that they have mellowed a bit (a good thing).

When they are "dialed in" to the room, it sounds like the musicians are "right there" in the room with you. Take your time and play with their positioning, I have mine angled where the center of their projection would cross just in front of the listener...in my "man cave" they sound just awesome postioned that way.

back in the day there were Dynaudio peeps and Focal folks- and typically one camp didn't prefer the other's sound.