Tracking force on Audio Technica 120Eb

How do you have your tracking force set with your AT120E cartridge?  
The tracking force range is 1.0-1.8, with a factory recommended setting
of 1.4.   For folks who own the AT120E, what setting are you using?


Ag insider logo xs@2xheadshrinker2
Hey sunnyjim,
How long have you had your AT120?  As my local dealer and several on the web have note, this cartridge benefits from a generous break in period.  How many hours do you have on it?

Headshrinker,  I have about 25-30 hours on the cartridge.   BTW, I took the Czar's advice and have set the tracking first at 2.00g, then backed it off to 1.75g.  Sounded better at least yesterday, but the highs are not smooth, also they are a bit tiny, and restricted. 

I am not sure this is best choice for a vintage Thorens TD-145 and its TP-60 tonearm. In addition the headshell is bigger than most current tonearms and the shell allows for very little back and forth movement to set azimith adjustments using a Geo Disc.   I need some advice and recommendation from owners or former owners of this table, as to the best and most compatible MM or highout put MC. at about $300-350, possibly lower

As a general rule it's advised to start at the highest recommended VTF setting (especially with a new cart or stylus), then try reducing VTF incrementally from there.  You won't be able to get a final setting until the cart is broken in or the suspension has settled down.

The idea here is to prevent what's called minor mistracking.  That's when the stylus loses contact with the groove momentarily, but does not skip or repeat.  It can damage the record.

Azimuth refers to having the cart parallel to the record surface when viewed from the front.  A Geo Disc is generally used for alignment. With a record player every adjustment effects all the others so it might be advisable to consider a particular situation rather than a general rule.  Different arms will have different mass, bearing friction, etc. and results will vary.  Don't forget to defeat antiskate when adjusting VTF.


Sounds more like VTA setting now needs to go higher according to your description. 
My best experience with budget HOMC was Goldring Eroica 2.5mV.
I was able to purchase it back 10 years ago $225 new in box, now OMFG, it's almost $1k. I've always been hunter of dollar per value and this cartridge at so lo price back than was equivalent to Mike Tyson who was able to easily KO substantially larger and bigger opponents in his prime :-).
Now price went sky-rocketing up -- no more Mr Nice guy, but still you may try to hunt for NOS one.