Can I cut a longer RCA run to two shorter ones?

I have a 5 meter pair of Virt.Dyn> revelation RCA cable- I moved my system so do not need the 5 meter- Can I cut it into 2-2.5 Meter cables and put new RCA plugs on them  thanks
Guys thanks I am going to keep the 5 meter as is and pick up a shorter pair-
I notice that there are different versions- the Revelation , the revelation Signature, The revelation 2.0- Can someone tell me the difference between the different versions- thanks so much!!

Yes, you can cut it. But... depending on the cable it may be a real PITA trying to re-terminate the ends.

And Virtual Dynamics has to be one of the worst!  You are also dealing with the magnets inside the cables.

Ozzy thanks I will leave them alone- curious as to what he dif. is between the different versions of the rev cables- thks