Richard Gray's Power Company 400S, two stories.

Several years ago I'd had my whole system plugged into two Richard Gray's Power Company 400S units.  Then my dealer said to run everything straight from the wall.  I tried it and it sounded better.  So I went along like this for a good while, letting the RGPCs pretty much sit idle except for remaining plugged in to "stabilize the circuit" or something like that (just had a lamp running out of one).  Then a few months ago got a SuperWiremold cryo power strip.  I plugged it directly into the wall (Shunyata SR-Z1 outlet, not dedicated circuit but very little else on it) and plugged all component cords into it, and it improved the sound (the RGPCs still sitting idle).  Then more recently for some reason my system wasn't sounding good, congested and just not appealing.  For some reason the thought came to me to try the SuperWiremold plugged into one of my RGPCs.  I tried it and couldn't believe the difference.  It cleaned up the whole presentation, lower noise floor, much better resolution ("heard things I hadn't heard before" on my CDs), better separation of musical components.  I can just hear more of the music much more clearly .  I don't know what to make of the whole thing but I do know I like the improved sound very much.  My only guess is somehow the combination of the SuperWiremold and the RGPC are a good combination.  I put the RGPC on Ayre wood blocks.

much of your experience will depend upon your locale. I live in the deep South, relatively clean power, and use a RGPC 400 Pro since 2005.

RGPC products will not "steal" current from your system. This is just 1 benefit and example.
Jim, with the 400S units, just plug your low-wattage pieces into them--CD, pre-amp, DVD, phono, DAC.  Subs and amps go to wall. The 400 does not pass enough current for amps--need a bigger transformer for those--or the wall.  

Glad Richard Grey worked for you ...they were absolutely awful in my system. Felt lucky to have sold them
Excellent point- jafreeman. These units are not designed for power amps of any size/wattage. Plug all power amps into your wall.