Dynaudio Sappires vs Focal Sopra 2's

Has anyone compared Dynaudio Sapphires with Focal Sopra 2's?. I own the Sapphires and love them but......... was VERY IMPRESSED with the Focal Sopra 2's. Not sure if they really are this impressive or am I just going through the change bug again $$$$. Any comments from those of you that have heard both are appreciated!
In the process of ordering the sopra2. istened to many speakers including Vienna Acoustics Beethoven, focal utopia Diablo, and B&w 802 diamond, and monitor audio pl 300. I could have spent alot more time hunting around to listen to other brands. But I stuck to brands that the local dealers have. I am replacing Wilson audio Sophia 1. These speakers are unbelievable and I still love them. I found the sopra 2not only being 12 years newer technology also to me they portrayed a better image, and more base.I would have given the new Wilson audio Sabrina look but the dealer was about 4 hours away. I thought the B&W were fabulous but they just lacked something when it came to the imaging. But they sure can move air,crazy base. Also they were about 10k more not that it was a factor but I found the sopra2 to give me more of what I liked for the amount money. I could not justify that the B&W 802D was that much better or if even better at all. All said and done I just have to decide which color to get by tomorrow. As that's when the actual order goes in.
Any suggestions?

I just ordered a pair should have in a week, went with Black. Color is so subjective. Liked them all but Black and White were most available.

Spent a lot of time with the speakers at the AXPONA show and a 2 hour demo with my Hegel H300. I did demo the Sabrina's, very nice but didn't have the magic of the Sopra's according to my ears.
