Listening to Phono Preamp Burn in Disc?

I have read a lot of posts regarding using a CD burn in disc (e.g. Granite Audio's) to burn in phono preamps. I get that, but I'm puzzled when people who do this complain about having to listening to the disc, as the sounds are not pleasant and repeat ad nauseam. My question is, why listen? Can't one just leave the amplifier off (assuming non-integrated amp), and still achieve the same burn in results? Also, if the amp needs to be on, couldn't a suitable resistor be used to substitute for speakers?


Ag insider logo xs@2xduddley
No Geoff, TV is all cwap. Twust me brother.
I don’t watch TV. Not interested. I go theater to see act or I go concert or I play my records or guitar or bass or accordeon...
czarivey - My phono stage has teflon capacitors that require between 500-600 hours to burn in. That's a minimum of 600 albums plays. I'd rather not subject my cartridge to that much wear until after the preamp is burned in.
what it really takes is to purchase or grab one for free badly scratched LP out of any used record store, hook-up cheap cartridge and play it once.
clicks and pops will burn-in any cap fast and efficient. just have to believe it like you believe to your burn-in CD. 
matter of subject or...?