best integrated amp.

I'm thinking about buying a new integrated in the 5k to 7k range. My main speakers are Maggie 1.7s.Any suggestions?
I've owned Pass Labs XA100.5 monoblocks, a VAC Phi300.1A amp with a VAC preamp and recently auditioned a $30k Burmester 911 MkIII amp and none of them beat my Devialet Expert 200 for sound quality with my Rockport Altair speakers with power to spare.

The Devialet is the ultimate integrated as it contains a DAC, pre-amp, amp, streamer and phono stage, so you'll save $$ on power and interconnect cables. Even though the Devialet 200 lists for $9,000, there are some pre-owned units on A'gon for as low as $5,500.

I can't speak to the synergy with Maggie 1.7s but I used to own 1.7s and I believe the Devialet class A/D hybrid amplification should mate well with the Maggies. You'd also have the advantage to add a second Devialet 200 to deliver 400 watts per speaker, but I doubt you'll need it.  

Hope this helps. 
I'm a fan (and owner) of SimAudio products. I am currently using a Moon 600i integrated (which I got for 5k used) with Kharma Ceramique 3.2 FE's, a not particularly "forgiving" speaker with great success. I can't weigh in on how it would work with the Maggies, but if you have a dealer near you I'd have a look and listen. I like the ModWright suggestion as well.
Wyred 4 Sound STI 500 or STI 1000 should be on your very short list. Save 5k and buy music... IMHO will keep up with any world class costing 10k. If you MUST spend 5-7k buy 2....or 3.
I did some listening with several amps to replace my cary sli80. Love the tube sound but wanted more power to drive my speakers,thiel cs3.7. Didn't like the krell vanguard at all.liked the classe integrated. But after hearing the hegel h360 I had to have it so I bought one and I'm really enjoying it so that's my recommendation it has a built-in dac so a great amp and in your budget. Suggest you get a listen. Best of luck.
Your buying integrated and dropping 7k! Are you looking for Audiophile reference reproduction or simplicity! My own opinion, and opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one, but integrated electronics was cost reduction oriented! Provide me more about you and for 7 grand I'll get u a preamp and amp that will blow the socks off anything integrated! Look at Jeff Roland intro amp matched to parasound preamp! Do able for 7k!!!!

@pennsy, I could not disagree more. Have you heard any of the incredible integrated amps out there today?
My VAC integrated amp lists for $14K, and I have replaced $30K separates with it and I have no regrets. I know that I would have to spend well north of $30K on separates to beat it.

There are other integrated amps out there that cost far more $$$ than mine, from the likes of D'Agostino, Vitus Audio, Audio Note (Japan), Devialet, darTZeel, and many more that will embarrass many separates out there.
My general rule of thumb is that you would have to spend at least twice the cost of the integrated amp on separates to beat it. Not to mention the money saved on power cords and cables.

Do yourself a favor, and go listen to a quality integrated amp someday. You just may decide that the simple life is a good life too. ;^)