MY-HIEND Pictures from the just concluded Munich High End Audio Show

These guys always have some of the best pictures from the various shows around the world. This year’s Munich show was no exception. 13 pages of audio porn, just keep scrollin’. Enjoy.
Lotto gods, Lotto gods, wherefore art thou Lotto gods?
I thought I was the only one who prayed to the Lotto Gods :-)
Amazing pictures and fabulous gear from around the world. Why can't we host shows like that in a professional landscape.  

I was at RMAF last year, those 12x12 rooms showcasing our finest brands and then you look at gear in this arena.  Just saying....
I was at RMAF last year, those 12x12 rooms showcasing our finest brands and then you look at gear in this arena. Just saying....
lalitk, i would compare CES to the Munich show. RMAF is more dedicated to hi-end & less show (altho' over the years that emphasis has degraded IMO) - there's much less fanfare, less glitz/bling & more about the sonics compared to CES (where IMO it's mostly about 'image')....
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