Proceed PAV/PDSD HT Processors Good?

These two home theater components retail for over $11,000 new and it is currently selling at bargain prices ($1200-$1300). It can do DD, DTS, THX, Stereo, Mono in 5.1 setting. I wonder if I am missing out on any latest and greatest features? Any thoughts on this?

I have seen these go for $650 here!

I still like these units, far better than the AVP they came out with later. You will be missing a 5.1 analog input though unless you plan on rewiring the components any time you wish to use a multichannel source...

That for me is th only down side to these.
Don Thanks for the comment.

I have read these are the best highend stereo and Home Theater system you can buy at the time. I am trying to decide for the same $$$ ($1200-$1300), is there any better Surround Processor out there? How about Lexicon MC-1?

I did some research on PAV/PDSD and it looks like PDSD uses the 20 bit DAC and it has one Burr Brown PCM1702 in every channels. Do you know if it uses the more expensive K-Series PCM1702? See this thread for more info.



I considered both the Lexicon MC-1 and Krell HT 5.1, and have listened to each. I've read claims that the sound of the PAV/PDSD is superior, but I suspect it's a close call. I do know the spaciousness and imaging I so value with the Proceed stuff evaporated when I tried to switch to Sony's penultimate receiver in the interest of simplicity.

I don't recall any details about the DACs in the Proceed unit, but I'm confident they are high quality. Again, I do know that redbook CDs sound much better when the digital output from my Sony DVP-S9000ES is processed by the PDSD rather than using the analog output from the Sony, wherein the Sony DACs are doing the processing.

The shortcomings have been effectively addressed in this thread. I could be wrong, but I do not see the value of these units falling to much farther below where they are now.

In regards to the sound, if 2ch music is going to be something you are going to use than you are not going to do any better than the PAV. The lexicon stuff pales in comparison. (at least the dc-1 did)The PAV is great for high end stereo, (virtually the same as the "Pre") something that a lot of processors claim, but few actually accomplish.

My opinion is that these componenets represent extraordinary value, it just takes the right person and situation to capitalize.

I have the Proceed PAV PDSD combo with the 24/96 Software upgrade. The sound is absolutely fantastic, the back plane which houses the balanced modular cards basically dictates which channels fire - remember that ALL channels on the PDSD are balanced. In 24/96 the code in firmware limits stereo mode ONLY -meaning when you listen to 24/96 content your subwoofer channel WILL NOT fire - quick fix, is to "Down convert" your material to 24/48 which WILL fire on all channels. If you can hear a difference between 24/96 and 24/48 consider yourself for a casting call to heroes cause no human can do that.
At the end ofthe day we are ANALOG 2 channel creatures - we hear and experience in stereo, so all this multichannel crap is marketing bombastics - if you want to pay huge dollars to hear bullets whizzing at "24/192" have fun!