Upgrading the "original " Rogue Sphinx integrated amp to the new version 2 (v-2)??

I have the original Rogue "Sphinx" integrated amp which was introduced approx. 4 years ago. There are upgrades now available for $400.00 plus round trip shipping. The upgrades focus on headphone output level;  increasing output level of phono stage, and general noise floor reduction,  Has any original  Rogue. Sphinx owner had these upgrades done?? and is it WORTH IT, THAT IS, demonstrates a noticeable improvement in sound quality. especially noise floor

I ask because the upgrades with  shipping will cost $600 from Rogue's factory in Pennsylvania to the West Coast ( they will not pay for return shipping).  It is a nice integrated amp, but no classic. I have considered taking that $600 and adding maybe $1100, and buying something new or used mint that is superior in sound quality for around $1800-$2000. Must have a excellent phono stage that can do both MM/MC, and be 100-150 RMS.   All suggestions and recommendation are welcomed.   Thank you

Another option is keep what you have and get a better power amp using the preamp out on the Rogue.
I think your limiting factor here is probably the phono stage.  The number of integrateds at the 2k or below price with even a decent MC/MM phono stage is fairly small.  The best I have heard is the Unison Research Unico.  Other brands with a phono stage that get good reviews in your price range are Rega and Croft, although the Croft has only an MM stage (not sure about the Rega).  My thoughts would be to look for a good integrated without worrying about the phono stage and add a solid, inexpensive outboard stage like the Vincent PHO8 (I LOVED mine), iFi Phono, etc.  I also like Yogiboy's suggestion.  The Rogue Sphinx apparently has an excellent preamp stage.  Upgrading the power amp may be all you need.  Best, Scott

Guys, unless I missed something( and I will check)  the original  Rogue Sphinx which I have DOES NOT have a pre-amp out to accommodate a separate power amp.  I am sure THE new version of the Sphinx just called v.2 has a pre-out. 

I am not sure I totally agree with smrex13 about the Rogue pre-amp stage.  Early reviews of the v.2 by Steve Guttenberg claimed that Mark O'Brien head design of the Rogue products, redsigned the entire PC board to reduce the noise floor,.... and also increase the gain for the headphone amp, and also the phono stage.  So even if I am wrong about the pre-amp out on my Sphinx and there is one, I don't see what benefits I gain from buying a better power amp.

Well if you like your Sphinx and want the additional upgrades than I would do as yogiboy suggested and buy the new version and sell the older one.

Though I have listened to several Rouge products and think Rouge a great company to deal with, I have no experience with the Sphinx.  I therefore can't offer insight as to the 'value' of the upgrades. Much might depend on system and need for the extra headphone gain.

I was referring to a review that I had read of the Sphinx V1 in which the reviewer raved about the preamp section of the Rogue.  So I assume there is a preamp out.  He claimed that the preamp was the strength of the amp and that the power section was grainy compared to the amp he hooked it up to.  I'll see if I can find the specific review.

Best, Scott