Jeff Rowland Amplifiers

Just wondering where Jeff Rowland fits in the higher echelon of amplifiers: for e.g. Ayre . Boulder,  Dan Agostino, Bermester, Soulution, Pass Labs.


Which tube amps (Pre/Pwr) did you switch to, from your Jeff Rowlands(Pre/Pwr).
I have a JR pre-amp and it blew my mind at how incredible it sounds.  I have heard the Daemon at a show and it was best of show.  His gear delivers the emotion...
I have all Jeff Rowland components: 625 S2 amp, Corus preamp, and Aeris DAC. I had nice equipment over the years, but to my ears Rowland is on another level, I understand different strokes, but I rarely hear Rowland being discussed.
I run a Rowland 5 in my main system and have been quite impressed with it.  Excellent sound and built like a battleship.