Herron VTPH-2

So I recently performed some tweaks on my analog system such as cartridge alignment, VTA, and adding some Rega white belts to my Rega P7 TT and all of these made slight improvements. However what really made me hear the difference was my Herron VTPH-2 phono stage, hence why I made the tweaks. It has about one month on it and it has slowly opened up to now where the music is transparently intimate especially with good recordings. What I love about this phono stage is that it allows me to hear the music differently, allowing subtle notes in the background that I have heard before become a little more alive. So I am not hearing new things but hearing them differently for the better as well as the main instrumentation. So high ratings go to Keith and this phono stage especially at the price point.  

I replaced the stock Ei tubes with NOS Telefunkens and felt they improved the unit with regards to inner detail and transparency. Excellent phono stage. 

Did you change the tubes because they needed changing or felt it really could be improved?
I had experience using NOS tubes in a tubed amplifier which greatly improved that particular amplifier. So I consulted with Keith and he recommended I try Telefunkens.

All of my electronics, except my DAC and optical transport, are from Herron Audio.  Even the cables.  I have heard nothing better. 

Keith Herron is a master of customer service and will always give friendly, unbiased advice when asked.

IMO, the VTPH-2 and VTSP-3a are in a class completely by themselves.  Maybe without peers at all.
I would like to try a VTPH-2 but no balanced out...So I'll stay with my PS.30RDT.