Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Well, this goes back a page in the thread, but I ended up cutting out a stud (with the blessing of the contractor that built the wall) as there was a "double stud" next to the pocket door, and I was able to go with standard installation on the sides of the 65" TV. Sounds great.

The new grilles for the speakers arrived from Thiel quickly and nicely packaged. Thanks Mr. Gillum.

To surrounds - so I ended up using a pair of Acoustic Energy Aegis Compacts for my surrounds (at least for now). They have a silk dome tweet, so not as crisp on the high end, but plenty detailed, and with an aluminum woofer, they so far have been a decent match - not Acoustic Energy's higher end line, but curious if anyone has any comments on their compatibility.

I know I am one of the few using Thiels in a home theater set up, but three PowerPlane 1.2's provides a really nice sound, extremely impressive for in-wall speakers. Clarity above all else.

I can also report that the Stratos HT-3 Plus is doing a great job with amplification, despite that I am using a Denon receiver (AV3313) as my pre-pro and that the cable is 14 gauge monster cable. I have not been able to create any distortion even at reference volume levels, and the only time these speakers don't sound great is with bad source material (low quality recordings).

THanks for the info in this thread - any comments on Acoustic Energy compatibility with Thiel sound would be appreciated. I can confirm that Odyssey amplification makes for a nice pairing with Thiel.

- Dan
Thanks! for the update -Dan.

keep me posted on this project and the continued integration of Thiel into your H/T set-up.  Happy Listening!
You are not a rarity in using Thiel as surround sound. I see a lot of power points for sale and always wondered with Atmos - what it would be like to have Thiel in that lineup. I have 5.1 and use 4 PCS with MCS as center along with SmartSub.
My big news is I scored a set of 2.7's last Saturday and they are wonderful! I'm still tuning, but I'm very encouraged by the sound. Each refinement in the Thiel lineup was an improvement and I never thought I would be able to afford these. Happy as can be!
Prior to this purchase I noticed some glare in certain vocals and still see it. I'm trying to track down the issue. I did change some cables a few months ago, but I think they may have just brought this glare to the forefront. (Analysis plus solo interconnects) I see more transparency with these and think it was there before, just cables brought it to forefront.
Anyone have ideas? I have spares of some equipment and will change some things out to see if I can track it down.

good to read- robin,

the CS 2.7 is a very fine loudspeaker. What other gear, including cables/cords, is in your system?