Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter.

Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter. I'm looking for a cable that can play those high notes and cymbals and it won't sound like noise.
What type of digital cable? If you're looking for new look into WyWires Blue. If you can find a used Silver series that will be better. Alex of WyWires sometimes has trade ins or demos on hand at nice prices, so it's worth a call to see if he has a Silver. 

Kimber Kable makes very nice digital cables too.

Other option is build your own. Check out VH Audio
To be honest, it has NEVER been proven that any well constructed digital cable is inherently better or worse than another. The laws of digital physics must apply. The bits either get to there destination or they do not. I would not recommend spending over $75 for the length you require. If you are needing a digital coax cable I would recommend you buy one at least 1.5m in length. A digital optical cable will be even less expensive.
Thanks for your input but a silver might be to "shrill" on the top for my system. My speakers go to 100hz. I need something that will smooth out the highs, round them off.
Never heard optical. I have 2 Audioquest cables, They sound completely different. The shorter one is too hot on the top end and the 1 meter is more bottom and mid-range.
The WyWires Silver does not have any silver - all copper. WyWires doesn't use any silver wire in any of their cables and if you visit their site you will find out they deslike silver wire as a conductor. They only use the word Silver as a model name.

I've listened to plenty of digital cables of various styles and types over the years and there is a difference in sound between them.  I started with the Canare which is a good cable but it's not close to cables even twice the price. Trust your own ears. Yes if you have a system that's not all that revealing and maybe using an Emerson DVD player then pick up a Canare. If your looking to tame your digital front end the Canare will do it; it's really not a bad cable but a little on the warm side. I use Canare cables on stage for mic's and have tried my balanced Canare's on my system at home and same thing; good cable for the money but not the most revealing cable, but a great tone control.