Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.
Ghosthouse and jzzmusician, thanks for the clips.  I enjoyed the Andy Summers clips and I always enjoyed his work with The Police.  I look forward to more clips from you.

jzzmusician, I love that Herbie Hancock clip.  I posted that very clip about two years ago (!); thanks for bringing it back and for keeping the timeline.  Two years ago, I seem to recall that the only response it got from the clu......ahem....purists, was a comment about Herbie's shoes.  Personally, I dig Bennie Maupin's suspenders the best 😊.  Maupin is one of the funkiest saxophone players ever; deserving of more recognition.  

I must say that I find it very ironic, but not surprising, that the entire genre "fusion" is being panned by some, yet what is being posted is newer Santana with its cheesy synth sounds and formulaic compositional and production values, and New Age (!!) Shadowfax (!!!!).  Seriously?  To each his own I guess; no point arguing about it.  Importantly, as I knew was the case and contrary to recent assertion, there is much more than zero interest in fusion.  

Ray Brown:  good jazz players.  But, geez, how many times does a person need to hear those same tunes.  What are these guys saying that hasn't been said a thousand times before?  My definition of (and to quote our resident New Age aficionado) "stereotypical jazz".  I am left with the question, why?

1975 next.

*****   But, geez, how many times does a person need to hear those same tunes.  What are these guys saying that hasn't been said a thousand times before?  *****

Strange comments from a Classical player.  Remember it the next time you play Mozart, or Beethoven, or Bach, or............    well you get the drift.


Rok, this is what went out of Scott AFB when the Tsunami hit in the Indian ocean.


I couldn't care less what Mavis Staples is talking about, but it wasn't Katrina, it was the Aftermath in New Orleans. I was stationed at Scott in the reserves as a "loadmaster", I know what a C5A can carry; Scott was 2 hours from New Orleans. Lewis Armstrong International was dry, no problem landing a C5A.

    This occurred eight months before the "Katrina" disaster. The Indian Ocean is half way around the world from Scott AFB, and New Orleans was two hours flight time from Scott. While the city was flooded, Louis Armstrong International remained dry and able to receive air traffic. C5A's are really huge aircraft, and just one flight complete with food, water, hospital staff, and rescue personnel, plus the ability to coordinate all military resources in that area; would have solved New Orleans problems, and all it took was one phone call from the White House.

By ThinkProgress on Sep 6, 2005 at 11:53 pm

Sunday, August 28

Monday, August 29

7:30 AM CDT — BUSH ADMINISTRATION NOTIFIED OF THE LEVEE BREACH: The administration finds out that a levee in New Orleans was breached. On this day, 28 “government agencies, from local Louisiana parishes to the White House, [reported that] that New Orleans levees” were breached. [AP]

11:13 AM CDT – WHITE HOUSE CIRCULATES INTERNAL MEMO ABOUT LEVEE BREACH: “Flooding is significant throughout the region and a levee in New Orleans has reportedly been breached sending 6-8 feet of water throughout the 9th ward area of the city.” [AP]

8PM CDT — GOV. BLANCO AGAIN REQUESTS ASSISTANCE FROM BUSH: “Mr. President, we need your help. We need everything you’ve got.” [Newsweek]


Tuesday, August 30

U.S.S. BATAAN SITS OFF SHORE, VIRTUALLY UNUSED: “The USS Bataan, a 844-foot ship designed to dispatch Marines in amphibious assaults, has helicopters, doctors, hospital beds, food and water. It also can make its own water, up to 100,000 gallons a day. And it just happened to be in the Gulf of Mexico when Katrina came roaring ashore. The Bataan rode out the storm and then followed it toward shore, awaiting relief orders. Helicopter pilots flying from its deck were some of the first to begin plucking stranded New Orleans residents. But now the Bataan’s hospital facilities, including six operating rooms and beds for 600 patients, are empty.” [Chicago Tribune]

Wednesday, August 31

SUPERDOME; CONDITIONS DETERIORATE: “A 2-year-old girl slept in a pool of urine. Crack vials littered a restroom. Blood stained the walls next to vending machines smashed by teenagers. ‘We pee on the floor. We are like animals,’ said Taffany Smith, 25, as she cradled her 3-week-old son, Terry. … By Wednesday, it had degenerated into horror. … At least two people, including a child, have been raped. At least three people have died, including one man who jumped 50 feet to his death, saying he had nothing left to live for. There is no sanitation. The stench is overwhelming.”" [Los Angeles Times, 9/1/05]

3,000 STRANDED AT CONVENTION CENTER WITHOUT FOOD OR WATER: “With 3,000 or more evacuees stranded at the convention center — and with no apparent contingency plan or authority to deal with them — collecting a body was no one’s priority. … Some had been at the convention center since Tuesday morning but had received no food, water or instructions.” [Times-Picayune

      They remembered all of those resources that were directed out of Scott Air Force Base, Ill, for people half way around the world in the Indian Ocean; but they forgot they had them for the citizens of New Orleans, which was only two hours flight time from Scott.

Rok, you have a very poor memory, SANTANA is not fusion, nor was that intended to represent FUSION, I like Santana, and Shadowfax better than some fusion OK. (or maybe it is fusion, ask Frogman)

Enjoy the music.
****Strange comments from a Classical player. Remember it the next time you play Mozart, or Beethoven, or Bach, or............ well you get the drift.****

Actually, Rok, it’s not a strange comment at all. It’s a comment heard often among players and would be heard even more often if ALL that classical players were to play were music from one period; one of the reasons for musical diversity in orchestras’ programming. What makes the difference is that orchestras program not just Mozart, Beethoven and Bach, but also Stravinsky, Bartok, Schoengerg, Lutoslowski, Adams.......well, you get the drift.

What perhaps I wasn't clear about and what I meant with ****what are those guys saying that hasn't been said a thousand times before?**** is that it's not just the tune choice but how they are being played.  Of course, its always possible to play a very familiar tune and a new and unexpected way.  In that sense, Kleiber's Beethoven's 5th is completely different from Klemperer's.