Austrailian rock and roll

The recent "Obscure bands" discussion inspired me to bring up another sub-genre because many of the responses mentioned a few of these groups. Who are your favorite Australian rock and roll bands? Let's be specific and mention favorite individual albums.
A few bands from down under:
Crowded House
the Church
Hoodoo Gurus
Hunters and Collectors (Mark Seymour solo works)

My favorites from this group are the Hoodoo's first 2 albums "Stoneage Romeos" and "Mars Needs Guitars"
I also really enjoy Hunters and Collectors "Human Frailty and "Under One Roof". Gotta love a band with a full time French horn player that still shakes the rafters. Every now and then it is fun to crank it up a little. The Aussies know how to rock.
Not a "band", per se, but a terrific performer, Mia Dyson. I have two of her releases, "Parking Lots" and "Struck Down", both excellent music.
I like Australian one-man band Tommy Emanuel
Gong has Australian origin band leader Daevid Allen, Not sure if you can call this band Australian...

I would throw New Zealand in there as well. Love Tommy Emmanuel and want to check out some of these other people.
My favorite ’folk rock’ band from Australia would have to be Angus & Julia Stone...The album 'Down the Way' is a good place to start.
Love Flash and the Pan.  I highly recommend their self-titled first album and Lights in the Night.  Definitely a sound that few others, if any, had, especially the barrel-rolling piano and organ.