Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Hello everyone - I am quite interested in the Job INT to drive my ATC SCM19s but it is still very hard to find detailed information / feedback.

Of course there is the amazing review from 6moons but - to me at least - it is too good to be true... And I have read everything I could find on and

Devilboy, any news on your comparisons?

Anyone else who bought the INT and could provide feedback? Anything with ATCs would of course be particularly helpful.

Thanks a lot!
Okay, let me try this one more time. For some reason audiogon isn't allowing me to type a response on my computer so I have to do it via cell phone. Forgive me in advance for any grammatical errors as I do not feel like going back in correcting my phone's spell check. I simply don't have the patience for it. I have a lot to say regarding the similarities and differences between the job integrated and the separates I used to own. I will not go in-depth as much as I would like because again, this is from a phone. If anyone has any questions, you can p.m. me

Let me say first that I don't want to over inflate the INT (going forward, I will refer to the INT as the "integrated" ....again, the spell check on my phone), to this Almighty giant killer. You may listen to it and disagree with my over-enthusiastic opinion. The integrated was fed digital via my Audiophellio 2 sub/spdif converter with outboard power supply. I still have not tried going directly into the integrated via USB. I was more concerned about comparisons to the separates, not so much the A2 vs. The integrated's USB input. All of my impressions are versus the Metrum hex, Tortuga passive preamp, job 225, and between them all were the high diamond D9 and D7 interconnects. So we have $1,700 up against $9,500 ish if you include two power cords versus just one for the integrated. I put about 300 hours on the integrated before writing this message.

I must say, I missed nothing of the separates. Not one bit actually. When I first listened critically I was actually looking for a flaw Kama something to say, the separates do this or that, better. But no, in fact I think the integrated has more air and is more open than the separates. This was my number one concern about going this route. I even emailed Srajan telling him of my concern regarding this. He basically told me I needn't worry. I've sent emailed him again which he has posted on his letters feedback page, telling him I stand corrected. I simply don't understand how this three in one piece has more air and transparency then the separates. And that's not the only thing, I think the integrated is somehow more articulate in the mid-range and bass. It has that same job attack, which I love. Highs are extremely detailed, and like Srajan said in his review, the integrated is actually warmer and more mellow than said separates.

I'm shaking my head as to how this is possible, especially considering the price. The integrated has three sections sharing one power supply. I have been in this for a while and have spent an enormous amount of money over 20 years so let's face it, $1,700 isn't much in this madness we are in. Even if and I mean IF the separates were slightly better than the integrated, I would still keep the integrated and sell off everything else for two reasons. Number one, I cannot justify the price difference. Number too, this system is so simple now. Less crap and clutter.

So, money aside, I still prefer the INT  over the separates. It's warmer, more articulate, more Airy and open (this still baffles me), and I was able to sell off my other stuff and get money back.
I'm going to change my component list and pictures in my "virtual system" soon, just have to get time. 
I sold off so much stuff going to the INT that I actually have room in my rack for my tv's cable box. 
GASP!.....non audio related components in an audio rack?........Sacrilege.
Impressive! So the six moons review wasn't just an anomaly.

Integrating components is definitely a growing trend and,  let's face it, makes a lot of sense. So much money is wasted on box bling and additional cabling and manufacturers might actually know a thing or two about matching pre and power amp sections (or amps and drivers in the case of dynamic speakers).

I'll be getting an INTegrated soon then, and will try not to worry about DAC-upgraditis for a few years. Thanks @devilboy !

Thanks a lot @devilboy that's really helpful! And impressive concerning the INT...

Would you say that you had any issue with the bass being prominent as one user mentioned in his review on

Also, could you please let us know the speakers you used for your comparisons?
