Why does my 35 watt tube amp draw 300 watts of power


I have a Prima Luna Prologue 1 (tube amp). Love it.

Always been curious though. It draws 300 watts of power, yet is rated at 35 watts / channel. Is it really so inefficient that it is losing 230 watts to heat?

+1 to the cats that chimed in above, they have it exactly right. I have heard several Class D amps in my system and found them all dry and lifeless, although the newer variants appear to be better sounding. I heard a pair of Channel Island Class D mono-blocks amps paired with VSA speakers and they were splendid, vastly better than the Class D amps I have tried in my system.  I am currently using a 10wpc Dennis Had SET amp with my Spatial Audio Holograms and the sound is warm and luscious, but I admit I prefer the sound of tubes.  Power consumption and my electricity bill is neither here nor there in my decision to use tube amplification as it turns out to be a pittance either way.   Tube amplification sounds the best to my ears.       

More than likely it only draws 300 watts at full power output. Probably a lot less at idle and playing at moderate levels.
Power efficiency (and excess heat) was a concern of mine when I ran just solid state gear, but since I became hooked on tube gear  ...well, if inefficiency is the price for this kind of a wonderful listening experience I'M ALL IN!

But, this comes at a price —not just heat but time to warm up and "disposable" tubes if you listen for hours on end and do so day-after-day. For serious listening: Tube gear. For convenience: something solid state. 
I have a Dialogue premium HP, 85-90W/channel and 540 Watts consumption (max.)  Like you said, love it, not going back to Solid State.

Cost wise, running the amp at full consumption for 2 hours each day costs $.09/day or about $3/month.  In reality probably only using 200W max, so we are talking about another $1-2 per month in expense, $5 if it runs for 4-5 hrs each day.