Looking for feedback on whether to buy Audeze LCDX or Mr Speakers EtherC

I'd appreciate all comments. I've heard the Audeze's...but no where around me has the Mr Speakers to hear. I'm going to have to find a pair...but was wondering if people who have heard both can weigh in. Thanks
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David Pritchard
Additionally, note that the Ether C requires up to 200 hours of burn-in to achieve its maximum sound quality -- especially in the bass.  The manufacturer has stated this on the Head-Fi site and there are numerous posts by owners attesting to this. This is because the pleats in the planar ribbon drivers need more time to flex to achieve their designed specs.

When new without break-in, the sound is constrained with light bass. Don't worry, as they burn in the sound continues to improve until the 200 hour mark or so, when the sound is superb. 

Also, strangely enough, the soundstage on the Ether C, a closed headphone, is larger than in the LCD-X, an open headphone.
I have the Audeze Sine also, and if you change from one to the other, you will hear the Audeze heavier bass v. the faster but lighter and more natural bass in the Ether C.  Some may prefer a heavy bass (esp. for rock or hip hop) - I didn't - but the Ether C also responds extremely well to EQ if you want to add some bass to it. 
Great to know. I feel funny buying something I haven't heard, but I can't find any around here in stores...and I think from what you've said and all the reviews I've read, I can't go wrong.
One more question, dne...any recommendation for an amp with those cans? I have a Foxtex h1p1 right now, portable.