Integrated amp recommendation around 3k (I need more power!)

Hi everyone,

Yep, another of those "which amp would you recommend" questions.  My system is settling in very nicely recently.  I've bounced around with speakers quite a bit, but I keep returning to little Harbeth P3esr.  They fit my room well and sound beautiful. However, they have a sensitivity of only 83db.  Right now, my system is comprised of the following:  VPI Traveler Turntable w/Clearaudio Maestro V2 cartridge, Croft RIAA phono stage, and the LFD LE V integrated.  As nice as the LFD is sonically, it just falls a bit short on power 65wpc into 8ohms) with the little Harbeths.

So, I'm looking to move to a more powerful integrated amp.  I'm certainly not a headbanger (or I'd have different speakers), but I would like to have ample headroom and current to maximize the P3s.  I'm looking at a budget of around $3k, used or new.  As I have an all analog 2-channel rig, I don't need a DAC, subwoofer outs, tone controls, balance, etc.  Heck, don't even care about a remote.  Just good, clean, dynamic power. 

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated - thanks!

Best, Scott
Thanks for all the recommendations...

-The Musical Fidelity is a great suggestion that I hadn't thought about.  I heard the previous generation M3i and thought it a very good piece in its price range.  I also like the fact that the M6si is available through Audio Advisor, who has a generous return policy.  

-Luxman is definitely on my short list.  I've never had the opportunity to hear one, but the reviews are very positive.  

-The Benchmark would take up my whole budget and I'd still need a preamp and cables, so that's a not an option for me.  

-Almost pulled the trigger on a CJ CA200 that was on here recently.  Will keep an eye out.

Thanks again - lots of food for thought!

I can throw in another recommendation for the MF M6si.  I have been using one for about a year and half and am very happy with it.  
@tdimler - do you mind if I ask what speakers you are driving with the M6si?  What is your general perception of the amp's character?  I know it has more than enough power, so my only concern is whether the sonic character would fit with my tastes (clear, no treble grain, slightly laid back).  

Thanks, Scott
Scott, I realize you have asked smrex13, but please allow me to chime in. I have an M6Si I purchased 12/15. I am driving Golden Ear Triton One's. At the time I bought the M6Si I auditioned it against a Krell Vanguard and MA6700. Naturally cost was a factor but even that aside I prefer the Musical Fidelity. If there is anything more specific you would like to know just ask.
I use the Luxman 505ux with my SHL5s and I'm very, very happy. I've tried an Ayre AX-7E, a Rogue Cronus Magnum (bought both of these and listened for extended period) and demoed an Audio Research VSI60 and a friend's Devialet 400. None sounded better than the Luxman. It's a great match with Harbeth and also has a fine phono section MM/MC and, heresy, a loudness control that make listening at low levels very enjoyable. You should be able to find on used on Audiogon for around $2400 in excellent condition.