DIY Fuse burn-in made simple!!

Audio gear ALL requires a Break-In or Burn-in time Clock. "To be or not to Be" what you expected.

Now when it comes to Audio tuning fuses. Most would agree 60 to 100 Hr’s to hear it’s true favor. Tasty.

Or no so on a giving piece of gear. Now some Audio fuse Mfg offer a 30-Day trial. Hmm! Now who wants’

to run their VAC Pre-Amp/Amp 100-Hrs burning in new fuses X How many Tuning fuse huckster’s out there?.

Then A/B from what they replaced. "NOT-I!"

Now one could get INLINE fuse holder & wire into your bedroom radio. SURE..

But my fellow Audiophiles local buddies swear That the Mars Super Duper XX gold filled has no equal.

None the less It works with there system. What about our set-up & room?

I decided to do a DIY simple way project. But a effective path with a easy to build & with off the shelf STUFF.

BURN-IN STATION. Once done you can burn-in> (4) fuses in 4 day’s or less depending.

NOW you can audition new Burn-in vs, Old burned-in ones. And If no Likey> return it. Or CRY.



195 posts
06-07-2016 9:43am
"Thanks for the video. Just wondering, how did you know the proper direction to orient the fuse without being able to hear it?"




                  DIRECTION current flow in a fuse. Hmmm!

           I hook up Digital Multi meter. CK under power for any

directional differences. I.e. in any current dropage.+ several other tests

 Then Burn-in. Listen after. Then apply mini dot to the fuse.

If a conclusion has been reached of course


tubes444 wrote,

geoffkait, DIRECTION current flow in a fuse. Hmmm!

  I hook up Digital Multi meter. CK under power for any directional differences. I.e. in any current dropage.+ several other tests

Then Burn-in. Listen after. Then apply mini dot to the fuse.

If a conclusion has been reached of course"

I never said that current is directional in the fuse.

Which mini dot?



Been away  a few day's.  Good question.

"Mini dot" or nail polish to remember. Should the need to remove it.

As to current flow. Well it is an AC fuse. My bench test are to mark

any measurable difference directionally in the fuse. I.e. reversing

it in the fuse holder.

Test 2. fuse inserted in line. Then with my sine wave & square wave generator to scope. I run several sweeps. Then same thru bench speaker selected tones for any at the moment audible differences.

BUT! When all is said an done it has proven to be only .Say 95% correct

on which way to initially insert the fuses in a Pre-Amp or etc..

Never hoped for 100% sure thing..
