Integrated amp recommendation around 3k (I need more power!)

Hi everyone,

Yep, another of those "which amp would you recommend" questions.  My system is settling in very nicely recently.  I've bounced around with speakers quite a bit, but I keep returning to little Harbeth P3esr.  They fit my room well and sound beautiful. However, they have a sensitivity of only 83db.  Right now, my system is comprised of the following:  VPI Traveler Turntable w/Clearaudio Maestro V2 cartridge, Croft RIAA phono stage, and the LFD LE V integrated.  As nice as the LFD is sonically, it just falls a bit short on power 65wpc into 8ohms) with the little Harbeths.

So, I'm looking to move to a more powerful integrated amp.  I'm certainly not a headbanger (or I'd have different speakers), but I would like to have ample headroom and current to maximize the P3s.  I'm looking at a budget of around $3k, used or new.  As I have an all analog 2-channel rig, I don't need a DAC, subwoofer outs, tone controls, balance, etc.  Heck, don't even care about a remote.  Just good, clean, dynamic power. 

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated - thanks!

Best, Scott
I use the Luxman 505ux with my SHL5s and I'm very, very happy. I've tried an Ayre AX-7E, a Rogue Cronus Magnum (bought both of these and listened for extended period) and demoed an Audio Research VSI60 and a friend's Devialet 400. None sounded better than the Luxman. It's a great match with Harbeth and also has a fine phono section MM/MC and, heresy, a loudness control that make listening at low levels very enjoyable. You should be able to find on used on Audiogon for around $2400 in excellent condition.
OP here just providing an update:

I was particularly interested in Al's comments about the recommended capacitance for the cartridge and the impact a phono cable's capacitance might have on the ultimate performance of the system.  I have made a few cable changes that have significantly improved the performance of my rig.  I replaced my relatively modest power cables to the phono amp and integrated with Triode Wire Labs 10+ and 7+ respectively.  This added an openness and bass depth that was previously lacking.  

However, the biggest change was to add a Furutech AG-12 phono cable.  Right out of the box the treble was cleaner and more extended and the sound stage improved considerably.  The system also seemed louder.  After a couple of days of burn-in, I am getting far better dynamics, overall clarity, and bass response.  It sounds much better at lower volumes, and I don't feel like something is missing.  Most importantly, the last couple of days I have wanted to come home and listen to music rather than troubleshoot my rig. 

I didn't care at all for the LFD amp that I tried.  Returned it immediately.
was a downgrade to my inexpensive Naad integrated. I have Harbeth HL5plus speakers.   My Bryston at 135 watts is excellent though.