Tidal music to analog preamp


Novice here.

What is the easiest way to take advantage of the highest quality music via tidal?

My setup is router and wireless modem---analog preamp. I don't own a pc. I have a MacBook Air.

With as little cost/ complexity as possible please- it's a modest bedroom system.


if you use the macbook then you download the Tidal app on your macbook and use that.  I do not think you can use your phone as a remote if you stream from your macbook, but maybe you can.
Jl35- Thanks. I think I understand now what my options are. I'm leaning toward trying the MBA to see if there is improvement over the Roku music quality.

I appreciate it,

FWIW I used to use and loved Sonos but just got an Auralic Aries Mini which is slightly more expensive than the Sonos $449 I believe is retail. I prefer the interface and also think it sounds better than Sonos and a plus in my urban environment it runs on 5g while Sonos is 2.4g only.
Thanks, I'm reading up to avoid compatibility issues. There seem to be several good options.