Integrated amp recommendation around 3k (I need more power!)

Hi everyone,

Yep, another of those "which amp would you recommend" questions.  My system is settling in very nicely recently.  I've bounced around with speakers quite a bit, but I keep returning to little Harbeth P3esr.  They fit my room well and sound beautiful. However, they have a sensitivity of only 83db.  Right now, my system is comprised of the following:  VPI Traveler Turntable w/Clearaudio Maestro V2 cartridge, Croft RIAA phono stage, and the LFD LE V integrated.  As nice as the LFD is sonically, it just falls a bit short on power 65wpc into 8ohms) with the little Harbeths.

So, I'm looking to move to a more powerful integrated amp.  I'm certainly not a headbanger (or I'd have different speakers), but I would like to have ample headroom and current to maximize the P3s.  I'm looking at a budget of around $3k, used or new.  As I have an all analog 2-channel rig, I don't need a DAC, subwoofer outs, tone controls, balance, etc.  Heck, don't even care about a remote.  Just good, clean, dynamic power. 

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated - thanks!

Best, Scott
Parasound makes a supremely capable integrated, and the DAC that comes with it is pretty good too.

Hi everyone,

I appreciate all the feedback and the recommendations.  I finally made a choice, and went with the Wells Audio Majestic integrated amp - 150wpc, looks great, has excellent reviews, and a good company behind it.  I will keep you all posted on how it sounds, and thanks again for all the food for thought.  

Best, Scott
Nice! Scott
I am interested in the Wells Audio amp as well. Keep me posted during your initial break-in period.

What other gear, including cabling, is in your system?
I'll definitely update you all as I start to break it in.  My system consists of the following:

VPI Traveler Turntable w/Clearaudio Maestro V2 cartridge
Croft RIAA Phono Stage w/Tung Sol gold pin tubes
Harbeth P3esr speakers

Cabling, Power, Etc.:
Furutech AG-12 phono cable
Triode Wire Labs interconnect and power cables (10+ and 7+)
JW Audio speaker cables
SuperWiremold Deep-Cryo 9 outlet Power Strip
Maestro wall outlet
Rollerblock Jr. footers

Best, Scott

Nice move Scott.  I've read some many positive reviews about their amps, particularly the Immoras.  I'd love to hear it after it breaks in.