Bookshelf speakers on a budget

Hi, I'm looking for suggestions for a decent pair of bookshelf speakers. However I'm on a budget in the $400-$500 range; I know this is a low dollar amount but it's all I can afford right now. If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate them.

Not enough power is CRAP!I'm driving Dali Zensor 1's with 10wpc.Se Class A EL34 integrated in a 12'x14' apartment living room & it's plenty loud!
This is a classic case of why speakers should always be the first
component you should buy.
Well, I kind of am buying my speakers before my amp. The components I've purchased are the table and the pre-amp. Remember I haven't bought an amp yet. I'm going to buy some speakers, power it with my friends amp for the time being until I find a reasonably priced, decent amp to power the speakers. I'll probably end up getting speaker stands down the road. 

Which leads me to my next question. What is a reasonably priced amp to drive these speakers. I posted a link to an article with a few options. 

You all have to remember, I don't have the disposable income to go out and by speakers, stands, and an amp all at once (plus I need a new cartridge). This is why I'm piecing stuff together little by little.

I agree with Paraneer. It's not about loudness. A lot of speakers will operate with 10 watts and thrive- others will sound okay but not as good as they would with some headroom- in my opinion. Sounds like the Dali's are a good match for small tube amps- the Elacs may not be as an example.

Big picture, I think 10wpc will limit your speaker choices somewhat. 

I have small tube monoblocks that are 8-10 wpc. If they were my primary power, it would limit my personal speaker choices to speakers that would thrive on that power. I have an Anthem Inegrated that is 225 wpc. I don't think I 'need' that much power, but it does keep my Ushers on their toes, and does great with Silverline Minuets.

I once ran B&W 801's with a 40 wpc Luxman. It was okay but the bass responded well with 200 wpc - and some use much more with those speakers.

Yes, several of them are good values in my opinion. If you take the time to read up on a few of them, both in that article and out, you will start getting a sense of the features and benefits of different models and what is available.

For example, the small T amps sound pretty good, but may not have a remote or enough inputs for your needs. Reading through reviews will help you get a clearer picture of your options.

Some of the models in the article will show up for sale on here. So once you read up a little just keep your eye out and grab one.

Consider the speakers you may end up with as you read, etc.

Hope this helps
