Avalon Acoustics vs Wilson Audio

I would like to know how Avalon's sound compared to Wilson's. I heard that they have a similar sound, but just want to make sure from other peoples experience. I have heard, Sophia 3's, Sasha w/p, and the x2. I liked all 3 models. I haven't heard any Avalon's yet. I will definitely be looking to audition. Just thought I would ask for now.

My budget ($15k-$30k)is pretty broad for the sake of keeping an open mind. Realistically I'm thinking $20k'ish. That price is just for the pair of speakers mind you.

My current setup consists of Paradigm studio 60's v.5 (mains), cc-590 v.5 (center), studio 10's v.5 (rear's), Arcam avr-600. Primarily its an HT system, but I use it for music alot as well. It's a pretty good sounding system, but I've grown out of it for music. Its a superb setup for gaming and movies though. This is pretty much why I'm thinking of a dedicated 2ch setup.

Second option, is to upgrade my current system with better speakers. Use an outboard dac dedicated for music in conjunction with the avr-600. It would still be a 5ch system in the end though.

Any thoughts?
As an owner of sophia 3, I audiotoned Avalons eidolon visions with a ceramic drivers..man highs and mids are quite impressive but lows with this drivers seems that it doesnt integrate well maybe it was my concern...I completly agree with others that avalon and wilson are quite different in every term, as I felt that one user describe as having both and I feel completely as same if I had a space I will buy avalons and run them as my mood goes..aynhow if you have concerns on lows I would not recommend them highly but again avalons have a musical texture that is bold and expressive...
Regarding Avalons it's the mid driver. There is a measurable peak at 1.8 - 1.9khz with the Accuton ceramic mid. Add to it the dispersion characteristics of the drivers makes it VERY susceptible to early reflections. Ceiling treatment is a must and be prepared to drive them with warm sounding triodes (well... TRL Samsons and Pass XAs may work for the SS school)
Never heard the Sophia 3 but the Sophia 2s are already very impressive.
I have Avalon Opus w/ Spectral 360s and finally get my new Spectral 30SV tonight after work (waiting 6 months) all MIT Oracle IC, SC and PC plus conditioners. Used to have Wilson Cubs w/ Watch Dog Sub. Prefer Avalon's. But I see a pair of Watt Puuppy 7s and am debating on getting them to just have a Rock Out change when in the mood