Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC

Hello, I am new to this forum but I have a question. I am trying to pair an amp + DAC with my Wilson Sabrinas. I have listened to Jeff Rowlands integrated with the Aeris DAC. And the VAC Sigma integrated with the Aeris DAC. Price is a factor and so is space. Does the 625 need a pre-amp? Any suggestions or thoughts? 
Hi Almarg, Would you mind translating this for me? Are you saying that .5 m cable is not good in terms of sound? And what do you mean by 'but given its very short 0.5 meter length I'd be hesitant to read too much into such a finding'? I am not sure what you are saying?

Also, the DAC is definitely broken in, and I think the demo 625 is well on its way.  I don't know for sure how many hours of operation. 


Hi Rinpoche,

Apologies for my post not being stated more clearly.

No I was definitely not saying that the 0.5 meter cable would not sound good. As I indicated, "I’d feel pretty certain that the AQ cable will work fine."

In the post just above mine Guido expressed interest in learning from your forthcoming experience how well the AQ WEL synergizes with the Aeris and the 625 S2. When I said "I’d be hesitant to read too much into such a finding" I was simply saying that given the AQ cable’s short length, and given (as I said in that post and also earlier in the thread) that the degree of most (and probably almost all) sonic effects an analog interconnect cable may introduce is proportional to length (meaning that the degree of the sonic effects of an analog interconnect will be proportionately less for a short length than for a longer length), and given that the cable(s) you are in a position to compare the AQ with (the Transparent and perhaps the Crystal) were probably significantly longer, the data point your findings will provide relative to his question will be less than conclusive.

Best regards,
-- Al

Thanks, that helps.
You see, there is a 1 m Wel for sale also. But, of course, it is a bit more money. Other than resale, there is no point spending more as far as I can see. I trust the cable will be fine. I will get it, connect it, and leave it. And probably not think about it again until I buy a preamp down the road. Unless it sounds terrible , that is — but again I have few comparisons. I only have this loaner Transparent that to me sounds a bit blah to my ears. Buying the Wel means I won't buy the Crystal Cable interconnect or any other cable. I will just leave it in the system and hopefully be happy. 
You see, there is a 1 m Wel for sale also. But, of course, it is a bit more money. Other than resale, there is no point spending more as far as I can see.
I agree completely. In fact spending more for the 1 meter WEL could very conceivably be sonically counterproductive. As I see it, in general the goal should be for a cable to have as little effect as possible on the signal it is conducting, and to convey the signal it is provided with in as accurate a manner as possible. In the case of cables conducting analog audio signals, it follows from what I have said about the relation between cable effects and cable length that a shorter cable will provide greater accuracy, and introduce less coloration, than a longer cable of the same type.

Best regards,
-- Al