The merry go round. $700 seperates or integrated?

  If I have $700 to $800  to spend at most  am I better off with a used integrated say Marantz PM 15S1 or Anthem 225 as examples or do I go for the NAD/ Rotel/Adcom/Parasound  used preamp power combos.  I want phono remote and a headphone jack.   I am taking about sound quality here and not  power but would like to stay above 80w/ch  I have always preferred an  integrated amp has there is less screwing around with power cord and IC choices which just are more variables but for less then the amount listed above one came up with some nice combo pre power set ups. The speakers are Infinity RS 2.5s.   FYI I worked in the audio biz and helped countless people do this but I think I am in mid life crisis and have heard/ compared  to much gear in the last few years.  I  can hear differences pretty easily  and find much mid gear today to be thin, over detailed and unmusical.  I even tried one integrated I swear screwed up the timing of the music. I find most older gear swings but no remotes. Something like an old Luxman R117 receiver which I had last year was sure fun  Not perfect but very enjoyable.  it have had remote.   Just want to get off the merry go round.Thanks

If I remember these speakers correctly, they are 4 ohm and drop down to somewhere more like 3 ohms....

With that.... Audio Refinement Complete  50 watts to 8 and 90 watts to 4 ohms.

Coda Unison 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3,   all will drive this speaker.  this is a great sounding unit and extreme value.  Probably $1000

Krell  300,  should find one of these in the $1000 range.

If, I think of others, I'll reply,  These are all that come to mind


I owned a Cambridge 840A V2 integrated for a few years. You should be able to find one for $700 or less. Owned a lot of separate components over the years that were great bang for the buck pieces, but nothing competes for the money against a CA 840A. It’s a great unit for the money with a nice remote and has a balance input and a headphone input. Pick up a Pro-Ject or Cambridge phono preamp and you’re set. The 840A will easily drive your speakers. I used my 840A on Apogee Centaurs and it sounded great on a very revealing speaker. The 840A is a rock solid performer and not at all bright or thin sounding. Has plenty of drive but finesse. Even at it’s retail price of $1800 it was a solid performer.

I took home a Marantz PM 11S1 to compare against the 840C and I preferred the Cambridge hands down. The Marantz was a beutiful built machine but was too laid back and boring against the Cambridge. Rotel, Anthem and Adcom, not even close for the money. NAD is always a strong contender. Parasound Halo yes, but not in this budget.
My ancient Adcom 555 still sounds pretty good after 35 years and it compared favorably with my McCormack DNA-1.
The Adcom can be had for half of you budget.
If you could spring for more, I would get a McCormack amp.