When and what was your last significant equipment upgrade?

I will start- December 2015, a DAC (Bricasti M1)

As I've said in the past, I truly believe I am done in terms of buying gear, but more recently I finally merged my laptop with my DAC to explore hi-rez audio, which I am enjoying a great deal
Building and listening to my set of 4 Walsh speakers.  Next upgrade is the new and improved version of the same, in the same quantity.
Unlike the original Ohm's, they're a '2 way' with a smaller unit above the lower and larger driver.  The larger driver is slightly larger than the unit one sees applied in the German Physiks offerings, which is what I'm patterning them after.  And I can bi-amp them with a digital xover....
They're not perfect, but I listen to them far more than I do to my more 'normal' speaker array.  I've not noticed any 'listener fatigue either, which I can only experience elsewhere with my AMT's.
The newest addition for me is different speaker cables.   I've spent years with oh so many brands....high priced, low priced, and everything in between.... the ones I have now just work.  Ease, extension, clarity, etc.  Don't give up your search until perfection is found.
DeVore 0/96 Orangutan speakers to pair with Coincident Dynamo SE Mark II. Only $1,500 for amp with built-in volume control. Wow!!! Great sound with mostly NOS tubes, NOS Western Electric WE16ga speaker wires, Belden 8402 interconnect, all Western Electric WE10ga power cords, except DAC, WE14ga. Saved big-time for super quality Single Ended sound. Best, Rob