Help wanted: Bass!

I’m in need of augmenting the bass in my system. I’m the old school type and would rather NOT go the sub route.

My system and environment:
• Pre:   Conrad Johnson Premier 16LS
• Pwr:   Conrad Johnson Premier 12 Mono Blocks
• Pwr Condtnr: Shunyata Hydra
• Speakers: Tannoy Kensingtons
• Cabeling: Stealth PGS IC’s, Vandenhull Bi-wire Speaker wiring
• Sources: Conrad Johnson DV-2B CD Player, SOTA Star w/SME arm w/Grado cart, Magnum Dynalab Tube Tun 
• Music:   Classic Rock, Easy listening, Female Jazz singers, Classical
• Room:   Big (25 X 30) w/cathedral ceiling. Harwood floors/ceiling and big glass windows. Rugs and furniture

Came across the Emerald Physics Bass Manager claims to add 1/2 octave of bass to any speaker. IYO, could that be a solution? Are there similar helpers like this out there? Not much in the budget (about $500) for a near-term purchase. Could double that for a longer-term.

Again, not wanting to go the sub route unless I have too. Can’t do room treatments or alter room configuration (it’s our living room) either.

Any thoughts/suggestions will be greatly appreciated – thank you!

I love the CJ Premiere 12's by the way. One of my all time, if not all time favorite amplifiers. If only money and space allowed!

Appears the obvious sure-fire solution would be a sub. Get over my resistance I say to myself!

Question: I'm currently running bi-wire to the Kensingtons. How would this be configured with a sub? Or should that be two subs?? Can the concept of bi wiring still exist with a sub???

Thanks all! I really appreciate the responses!  
Post removed 
Hehehe, well, if you are going the sub route, that means you can add a miniDSP in the sub's chain, without disturbing your mains.  Excellent..... :)

